Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm falling in love with my psychiatrist - Am I Wrong?

You should watch that episode of the Sopranos where Tony expresses his love for Dr. Melfi. As she explains he simply feels that way because she has validated and listened to him unlike others in his life have, and she also explains that this is her job.

For the sake of...?

Just because you are friends with your boyfriend's ex does not mean you should not be jealous of her. I do not think he should take the job if he really cares about you. Let him know it bothers you that he may take this job. The money is not going to help the two of you out if this job ruins your relationship.

What was Kennedy trying to get across in his 1961 inaugural address?

For my language arts cl, we are doing a in-depth rhetorical ysis on this article in preparation for the AP Language and Composition test. We are currently checking into diction (word usage), syntax (sentence structure), and purpose/tone/claim/data/because. If you can provide the most comprehensive explanation, then I will award you 10 points!!!

What do you need to get into the ART INSITUTE??

I would pick up cles at the community college level so you can transfer them into the school of your choice so you don't really have to take any of their cles. It will help especially if you're having difficulty in some courses.

I'm 17, and I have not done anything with my life?

Every kid I know my age is good at something, and is alway doing something. Either a successful rapper, DJ, athlete, or knows lots of people. I am a loser, I am not good at anything and have played several sports I suck at all of them. I tried DJing I sucked at that, tried competitive swimming I sucked at that. All of these things I love to do, but I suck at them even after in intense practice. All kids my age have lives, I am lazy I stay home all day and at nite I go hang out with some friends once in a while thats it, I am getting a job soon but that will not let me do anything. I want to find something I'm good at and become famous like those upcoming teenage rappers and actors and athletes etc. I dont want to look back in life and think "I didnt do anything", I wanna be famous, talented, and be remembered and do stuff rather than sit on the computer all day. Please dont give me the typical "Join a club" advice. Give me some ideas on what I can do to find my talent, or things that I could become good at. I am a 17 year old guy

Am I ever going to find some help?

just go see "someone" alone...without parents, there are people you can talk to without parents

Tough QB situation here, help please?

yeah. it looks like u r in a pretty bad situation. What i would've done, is try to trade by giving to guys, and receiving 1. then u have 1 spot left, but now, it is too late for trading. I suggest dropping garcon, or vernon davis.