Sunday, December 18, 2011

I'm rich, and I hate it!!!?

If you see all those nannies chasing kids around central park, I used to be one of those kids, untill I got old enough to look after myself. I'm 13 now. I live in NYC and my mom is a designer for vogue magazine. I guess most people would think that's cool, but I don't. I go to a private school, I'm a dancer (ballet, been taking it since I was 5....suprise, suprise), and I have a "driver". You can say I live the "glam" life. but I lack love. my mom is always working, and I'm an only child, my dad left for another woman when I was 3, and I don't really have any friends. I would give up anything just to be able to spend 1 nite with my mom. can any1 help? what should I say to her? I guess I like endless money, but I would give it all up in a SECOND, FOR MY MOM'S ENDLESS LOVE!

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