Sunday, December 18, 2011

Did i mess things up?

I have been texting this guy for a while.. we met through friends.. and well...he text me every day and he's asked me out a couple of times but for different reason we can't seem to set up a date....on saturday i invited him to my friends birthday.. he couldn't because it was one of his friends bday too and well..while i was at the party i got a text from him and he was asking me how i was doing and if i was having fun..whn i told him i was having a blast he said" i should have gone"...on my ride home i was telling one of my friends about him and stuff and she dared me to call i called bc I wanted to hear his voice...he didnt pick up but i understand bc it was like 2 i'm like ok watever... on sundar morning... my phone woke me up ..i woke up looked who it was and it was HIM!!!!!!!!...i answered but when i said hello.. he hung up...i called him back...and he answered..right sounded really nervous and he apologized for not answering my call...he started doing small talk but he sounded so nervous and he kept apologizing for waking me up bc he said i sounded was a really short call and well..since he seemed so nervous i let him off the mondays he always text me but today he didn't!!!! why?... does he not like me?...i feel confused

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