Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm 17, and I have not done anything with my life?

Every kid I know my age is good at something, and is alway doing something. Either a successful rapper, DJ, athlete, or knows lots of people. I am a loser, I am not good at anything and have played several sports I suck at all of them. I tried DJing I sucked at that, tried competitive swimming I sucked at that. All of these things I love to do, but I suck at them even after in intense practice. All kids my age have lives, I am lazy I stay home all day and at nite I go hang out with some friends once in a while thats it, I am getting a job soon but that will not let me do anything. I want to find something I'm good at and become famous like those upcoming teenage rappers and actors and athletes etc. I dont want to look back in life and think "I didnt do anything", I wanna be famous, talented, and be remembered and do stuff rather than sit on the computer all day. Please dont give me the typical "Join a club" advice. Give me some ideas on what I can do to find my talent, or things that I could become good at. I am a 17 year old guy

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