Saturday, December 17, 2011

Do you think this relationship we last foreva?

I am so in love wiv my bf…he is 19 and I’m 18, dis iz how we hooked up.. me nd my mates when out to a restaurants nd she invited sme male friends who she knew to accompany us..wen we sat on da table he(my bf) cme thru da door with oda male friends nd I remember I had this cringing kinda feeling which felt so good wen I saw him, I had neva seen him in my lyf, so I asked my best mate who he was nd she said he lives on her road nd is best mates with this guy we both know. When we were eatin we could not stop staring at each oda, even other ppl realized that…when we finished we were all leavin nd he wasn’t far behind me…I heard some1 callin my name nd I turned around…Sigh!!! was him…I was so numb…he hurried along to me nd introduced his self to me…he was bare cute…his name is Alexander..nd he said I can call hin alex for short…there was this one point where we stared in to each others eyes…nd we started laughing afta..which was so romantic…we said bye to each other nd he said I hope to see u again..wen I went hme I could not stop thinkin abou him..I thought it would be da last time I would see him buh I was wrong…I was sittin on my bed..nd my phone started was a new numba so I picked it up..nd he said hello is this cindy and I was yeh who is this…he said don freak out its alex from the restaurant, I was so speechless, I couldn’t believe he was interested in me..I thought I was lyk a typical gyal..he was so hot….so I quickly answered and said how did u get my numba..nd he said I got it from my friend nd dat if it is all right….I was lyk yeh that’s fine dats great lol….dere was this three second silence nd afta before I could sai smething he said that he likes my beautiful smile…nd asked if he could see me again….I was bare happy..nearly wettin my pants ..I said thanks ok..nd he asked me where I would like to go…nd I was lyk anywhere I don mind..he quickly said wha abou da local park at 3pm nd we agreed. I was so excited..told all my friends..dey cme round…uu know pickin my outfits..I didn’t want to look slutty on our first date..coz I didn’t know him dat well….wen I went to da park…he was already dere…we hugged …. Nd started talkin a lot of ****…went on and on..nd he was so engaged in the convo…there was a lot ppl in the park…which was good..becoz it could kill the silences if there were any…buh luckli there weren’t…it was getting abit dark so he walked me hme nd said dat he really likes my personality and im a pretty gyal..which no one has eva said to me b4….wen we got 2 ma house…I was lyk thanks for da lunch (yep he paid) nd he held my hand..I was feeling so sweaty nd numb in weird places..i’ve been in relationships in da past buh I hav neva eva felt dis way abou alex to any oda guy….when he held my hand he gav me a peck on the cheeks and a tight hug…he was so mature nd I liked him so badly…I kinda cried wen we didn’t see each oda for max a week..becoz either my mum didn’t let me or he had a football match…buh we would send bare txt to each other…wen we saw each other like a couple of times we were more touchy feely in our next link ups…rather than talkin 4 ages…dere was no space for me to sit on the benches in the park so I would sit on his lap and we would kiss..nd kiss…nd he would tickle me so much which I would miss a lot….some dates we would go to each others houses..he introduced me to him parents and family..nd afta we went upstairs nd he would get popcorn and soda..nd watch eastenders together…wen da programme finshied he threw popcorn on me…nd I did it back 2 him nd I fought he was goin 2 get I started running around him bedrm…nd he got up nd chased me with bare popcorn in his hand..I jumped on his bed nd he held my leg so I didn’t get off…nd I didn’t want to get off either beciz I knew we would end up making out on the bed (not )…wen we got together in da bed he snuggled up against me nd I felt so protected at that point..his dad was lyk to us keep it down from downstairs…nd we started kissing …nd kissin we could go on and on for 2 hrs….I would put my hands through his hair nd he would kiss me around my ears nd neck…I was wearing a low cut top on..nd I forced him hands on my chest while we were kissing nd he started maging then around my bra nd den would kiss them after a while….Eventhogh we were boyfriend nd girlfriend I fought we were married couple..I’ve been with him for 2 years and a bit..nd I love every minute of it…when I was in his room wants..he was downstairs nd I was nosin thru his books nd on the back page my name was all ova it in love romantic..he even wrote Cindy nd Alex for eva…I was bare happy ..eventhough I thought dat was smething a gyal would do.. I love him even more now…every time we meet its lyk it was our first date…He always reminds me dat he loves me nd will always love me.....I hope he is Mr Right foreva..nd he feels the same way about me for eva….So what I wanted to ask you lots is ur opinion do you think he will marry me or

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