Sunday, December 18, 2011

Normal bumps or genital warts.?

Okk. A couple months ago i had with my ex, i regret it 100% but i was in the moment i guess. I really dont feel like i can trust him so i started to become paranoid that he gave me something because about a week after i believe i got a yeast infection. So i bought otc cream & it went away & hasnt came back. So i started checking my self down there & i noticed a couple bumps like.right under to the side of the opening of my . So im really scared it could be hpv. I noticed them shortly after having with him but i dont knoe if they were already there or not. Since then they have not changed in color shaper or size so idk if its all in my head or should i really be scared. I know i will only be 100% sure by getting checked but i want advixe first.

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