Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bzzzz hee hee...funny?

There's an alien sitting in a bar next to a man. the alien reaches over to the man and pokes him and says "bzzz hee hee" the guy wonders why the heck the alien is doing this, and tells him to stop "dude, stop it." a minute later the alien does it again "bzzz hee hee" guy replies "knock it off! i told u to stop!" he gets angry and just sits there. the alien waits a little bit and does it again "bzzz hee hee!" "ok man, do it one more time and i'm going to cut your junk off!" the alien looks around for 5 minutes to make sure no one was looking and does it again "bzzz hee hee!" so the dude takes the alien out back, pulls down his pants and doesn't see anything he asks "dude how the h3ll do you have ?!" the alien smiles and pokes him and says "bzzz hee hee!"

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