Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Have you lost a pet ever?

omg that made me cry how sad but so sweet you did that in photo bucket.. My dalmation *marble* whom was 16, died of chronic kidney failure was hard for me he was my first dog, hardest thing was i couldnt help him and the vet tryed his best for a month in the vets 24 hours care.. I visit Marble every day,he always wagged his tail when he saw me.. even on his last day alive, finally the vet and i decided not to let him suffer anymore. On his last day he was so weak and tired he could barely move then once he saw me he wagged his tail an i fell to the floor crying and holding him talking to him, even though he had no strength he sat up licked my face and layed back down as if to say thank you for being my momma and goodbye Sighing those papers i dont even remeber i was in sure heartache and pain.. he was creamated and i put him in teh Gulf of mexico where we use to go swimming every week in the summer

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