Monday, December 12, 2011

II think my psychologist is insane or something?

My psychologist said I am the new breed of psychopath. He also kept asking about any abusive situations in my past that might have caused my state. I told him that I did deal with sociopaths in my childhood who got me in trouble but that's it. He said I had innate ability to understand thoughts at an above average level. I personally thought I was stupid because my brain moves at such a fast level that I process slow when it comes to school and things I have to force myself to get interested in. He said I wasn't capable of doing this, this was the way I was developed. But when a person talks to me for a while, I know within the first few minutes what that person is like and what he desires and I act in ways to manipulate that. I think like a human being at times but my compulsive behavior gets ahead of my normal behavior. I live in the reality in my head and treat it in the real world like I'm in a mind warp of my fantasy and everything are my puppets. I am apathetic, lack moral remorse when I am targeting something I want which I become obsessed with, not letting anything else stand in my way. Truthfully I hate my mind, I can't focus in school because I always daydream so I took myself out of school to do homeschooling. But I am a psychological genius but I wanted to know math and science but whenever I try learning math, the numbers become jumbled in my head. The highest grade I ped in math was a D and I struggled to keep that D, so I decided to give my brain a rest and choose homeschooling. He said I cannot change my subconscious sociopathy which made me think he was a ridiculous psychologists and yet I still cannot control my behavior I'm pive aggressive, narcissistic, and apathetic. But I do have traits that are not psychopathic. Do you think my psychologist is insane and what do you think about all this? Is there any way to change the thought process in my brain?

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