Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What do I do about this?

So heres the story... Ive like this guy since i was in 7th grade. He was in 11th. In November of my 7th grade year he asked me who I liked, and I told him it was him. He said: "Im to wild for you." I don't l know exactly what that means?? So he started textin me every night after that at 10:30. He never missed a night. And he would always talk to me about his girlfriend and what he could do for her. Even when he knew i liked him. Then after they broke up we hardly talked anymore. But he would send me these fwd messages sayin stuff like: I love you forever and always dont you ever change..." etc.. Now im 3 years older and so is he, And now we hardly talk but i still see him once in a while. He even hugged me at a football game. But he doesn't even act like he knows me anymore. I dont know what to do about thiss.. I really care for him. Help please.

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