Thursday, December 15, 2011

Working out/ mental question?

i have had some very strange feelings lately and i believe it is somehow related to more extreme working out and supplements i am taking. I just feel depressed and for no reason i have everything in the world going for me, live with my parents and have a great relationship with them, have wonderful friends around me all the time. But things that used to be fun to me are just blah. I have been doing weights for an hour every other day and cardio on the days i dont do weights, usually about 6-8 mile run. I have had great rtesults and look better than ever, i just feel depressed. I am also taking an ephedrine, caffine, aspirin regimen, which has helped alot with my muscle growth and loss of fat. I have about another week before i quit taking the pills though. I was just wondering what causes this deppression. everything is great, i just want to be alone all the time though, and i cant sleep even though i spend so much energy working out, i also eat 4-5 times a day so i know its not food

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