Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm falling in love with my psychiatrist - Am I Wrong?

You should watch that episode of the Sopranos where Tony expresses his love for Dr. Melfi. As she explains he simply feels that way because she has validated and listened to him unlike others in his life have, and she also explains that this is her job.

For the sake of...?

Just because you are friends with your boyfriend's ex does not mean you should not be jealous of her. I do not think he should take the job if he really cares about you. Let him know it bothers you that he may take this job. The money is not going to help the two of you out if this job ruins your relationship.

What was Kennedy trying to get across in his 1961 inaugural address?

For my language arts cl, we are doing a in-depth rhetorical ysis on this article in preparation for the AP Language and Composition test. We are currently checking into diction (word usage), syntax (sentence structure), and purpose/tone/claim/data/because. If you can provide the most comprehensive explanation, then I will award you 10 points!!!

What do you need to get into the ART INSITUTE??

I would pick up cles at the community college level so you can transfer them into the school of your choice so you don't really have to take any of their cles. It will help especially if you're having difficulty in some courses.

I'm 17, and I have not done anything with my life?

Every kid I know my age is good at something, and is alway doing something. Either a successful rapper, DJ, athlete, or knows lots of people. I am a loser, I am not good at anything and have played several sports I suck at all of them. I tried DJing I sucked at that, tried competitive swimming I sucked at that. All of these things I love to do, but I suck at them even after in intense practice. All kids my age have lives, I am lazy I stay home all day and at nite I go hang out with some friends once in a while thats it, I am getting a job soon but that will not let me do anything. I want to find something I'm good at and become famous like those upcoming teenage rappers and actors and athletes etc. I dont want to look back in life and think "I didnt do anything", I wanna be famous, talented, and be remembered and do stuff rather than sit on the computer all day. Please dont give me the typical "Join a club" advice. Give me some ideas on what I can do to find my talent, or things that I could become good at. I am a 17 year old guy

Am I ever going to find some help?

just go see "someone" alone...without parents, there are people you can talk to without parents

Tough QB situation here, help please?

yeah. it looks like u r in a pretty bad situation. What i would've done, is try to trade by giving to guys, and receiving 1. then u have 1 spot left, but now, it is too late for trading. I suggest dropping garcon, or vernon davis.

Do you think that big business would utilize slavery if it was reinstated in the first world countries?

No, I don't think they would. Most people realize how insane slavery is. And not just American slavery either. All of it is insane.

Why do some people refuse to believe that Obama is a Democratic Socialist?

Because they are so blinded by the media hype. It's just another example of the millions of stupid people in this great country....

When to get angry at inlaws?

I am 27 weeks pregnant and my mom is prepared to be here for the birth of the baby, and is planning to stay with us to help out. We have moved across country since the birth of our first child, so I figured that every one would be wanting to come out to see the new baby. I asked my husband when is his mom and dad/stepmom were planning on coming out, and he said he did not know. Now it seems as though they are waiting til we come home in the summer. Should I be angry? I feel like it is a one way street when it should be a two. What kind of grandparent does not come to see their new grandchild, and what kind of parent is not there to support their son? Is it just hormones making me over react? They travel to see friends and nieces throughout the US but yet they cannot be here for a special day. I just do not get it. What would you think? I am just thankful I have a helpful mom who cares, it is just sad for my husband!

Why be rude and immature?

I’ve noticed that whenever someone posts a sincere question under R&S there are always a large amount of responses from skeptics and atheists, and none of them are ever helpful. If you don’t have a real answer to their question why put something smart-alecky? Are you all that insecure in your beliefs (or lack there of) that you have to get onto yahooanswers and be rude to people who are actually looking for help? Is there that much doubt in your minds that the only way to feel better about yourself is to make fun of Christians? I’m not saying any of this in an angry way (it probably looks like it because it’s typed) I’m honestly asking out of curiosity. Christians, please feel free to chime in why you think they do it. I’d love to hear everyone’s opinion!

Recovering from a hysterectomy...?

I had a total hysterectomy 2 days ago, everything removed lly. I'm 48 years old. My biggest problem at the moment seems to be distention of my abdomen. It's so tight and huge. My bladder is working fine and now my bowels have begun to move today, but my belly doesn't seem to be going down any. How long does it take for this to lessen? My next doctor's appt. is in 2 weeks. When will I begin to experience the tell-tale signs of menopause? I had my procedure due to peri-menopausal irregular bleeding and a hysteroscopy and D&C didn't correct it. All answers appreciated.

In Y!A, do you hate it when this happens?

It's worse when there are two answers and one is "Yes" and yours is a whole flippin' essay on the subject.

Poll: What's something you would like to do before you die?

Go see all my favorite bands in concert, and play every super nintendo game ever made at least once.

Water and pretzelle diet?

I don't know what kind of test you think you took, but you need to recognize that the kind of eating you're describing is very unhealthy, and the kind of unrealistic goal weight you've set for yourself is indicative of anorexia. Check this out: a href="http://helpguide.org/mental/anorexia_signs_symptoms_causes_treatment.htm" rel="nofollow"http://helpguide.org/mental/anorexia_sig…/a

Could you recommend me some music that you think I'd like?

envy on the coast, emery, escape the fate, family force 5, hawthorne heights, hit the lights, jeremy ashida, secret and whisper, saosin, the rocket summer,kinsey, mute math, switchfoot, the audio (formally so they say), cute is what we aim for, the maine, we the kings, ivoryline, between the trees, the almost, waketheday, stereo skyline, paxtin, breathe carolina, ovid. thats all i can think of/see for now, hope you liked them.


Does the EEE PC have the ability to connect to WPA, TKIP networks or Cisco LEAP, where the key is provided automatically to users with a root certificate?

Will I see the band from tiered seats rather than standing?

Yes you will probably see them better from tiered seating depending on what row you would have been standing in.

What does this sentence mean?(HELP DON'T UNDERSTAND)?

The North controlled the southern end of the Mississippi from Baton Rouge/New Orleans south to the Gulf of Mexico. They also controlled the northern end of the river from Minn. to Memphis after the capture of Fort Pillow made Memphis impossible for the South to Hold. The only section that the South still controlled was the area around Vicksburg Mississippi. The North started operations to take Vicksburg and cut the confederacy in 2.

How Do you Have a Virtual party on line for fun? is it a game? ?

All i know is, one person says shell bring over So & so & a nother person says they will bring cookies & so & so says ill bring cheese cake? now how do you do this? with your on line friends? does it need to be a yahoo group? or just e mails? please Help....Thanks a Bunch...

Question about gles??

So my 4 yr. old son got diagnosed with astigmatism and hyperopia. Never thought he had problems with his vision. He never brings things close up to look at them or anything that gave any incling of a problem. So my question is are the gles for this really thick?? The prescription is: OD +2.50 Sphere -1.00 Cyl Axis 010: OS +2.50 Sphere -1.00 Cyl Axis 170. They said his case was pretty bad.

Weird, outlandish-but-good type movies?

I'm looking for eccentirc movies like The Darjeeling Limited, Little Miss Sunshine, Life Aquatic, etc. Indie-type films that are really good. Any suggestions?

Do you think my letter caused the company to take me to collections?

I got a settlement offer in the mail from Citibank to settle $4000 of debt for $2700. I sent a letter with a counter offer of $1500. Then company then sent me back a letter that stated" Thank you for you inquiry. Please contact our collections department to make payment arrangements." The letter only had a phone number to call. I then wrote the company back stating that I would not negotiate over the phone and that all negotiations had to be in writing along with an offer to send a money order of $1500 if the company would agree to remove all negative information and report the account as paid in full. Almost immediately after sending the letter, I get a phone call from a collection agency. I immediately hung up on the caller. I then got a letter stating that my account has been turned over to collections. Do you think the company sent it to collections because I insisted on only negotiating in writing?

SkinID isn't working?

You didn't mention your age. That has alot to do with breakouts. The skin ID kit may be too strong for your skin, and is causing you to breakout.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Isn't it hilarious how O-Bots call Fox right-wing propaganda with half its viewing audience is Dem/Independent?

what is hilarious is that george w could excluded the new york times with nary a peep. conservatives, what hypocrites.

Have you ever used a dating service like Yahoo personals or EHarmony?

Did it work? Which one do you prefer? Would you recommend a dating service? It doesnt have to be Yahoo personals or EHarmony. I just used those two because they are the only ones I know about.

Attorneys in Fayetteville NC?

Does anyone know of a good child custody attorney in Fayetteville NC? That doesn't charge that much for a consultation. My husband and I are trying to get full custody of his two daughters and their mother is very spitful. She left them when the youngest one was 6 and hafe months old and since has put them though hick. The kids cry not to have to see this woman, saying she mean to them when she did see them.

Kid cudi concert?? 18+?

is the concert in april in minneapolis gonna be 18 plus? im turning 17 in april and want tickets for my birthday

`Bloody Mary`- Queen Mary Tudor?

I've actually read a book called Mary Bloody Mary, though I don't remember who wrote it. It's a historical fiction based on her life from her point of view. There's a sequel to it about elizabeth where Mary is the bad guy

Who should i pick?? i need to know in like 10 minutes..girls help!!(:?

Okay so there's this guy wes...and we had a very bad breakup. Lots of hurtful things were said and done. Here recently we have been hitting it off again. But then theres Tyler. He makes me laugh everyday and you just have to know him lol. But I love wes but there is just somethin about Tyler ya know??? What do I do?? Go with my live or try somethin NEW?? .... :/

Good afternoon angry white America?

I know. There are lots of very stupid people out there. And they think they are so right. I don't know if there is anything I can do about it.

Is there a monster that deals with courage?

How about a character based on Renfield from Dracula or Fritz from Frankenstein, or you could make it look like Peter Lorre, who specialized in playing sniveling characters.

I have some hairline cracks in my celing between the drywall sheets, what could this mean?

question....why is there spackling there when it should be a taped seam? Just retape, and remud, but you might have to float it out a bit to make the ceiling surface smooth and even after adding more mud, then texture and paint.

Hairstraightners - which brand should i look for?

Go with the Chi. My step mom has one and it works great! I use it all the time. It takes literally about 5 minutes to straighten my hair (about 2 minutes for the iron itself to warm up) and it stays straight unitl you wash your hair again. They usually go for about $100 but its worth it my step mom has had hers for going on 3 years now and it still works awesome! Whereas with the cheap straighteners usually I have to replace mine every 6 months to a year. :) Hope I helped you!

Training for kobe bryant, michael jordan or other basketball players?

does anyone know where i can find information on where to find training regimens and workouts for basketball players?

How to start a text conversasion? 10 points to best answer!?

When i text the guy i like i always say "hey" then he says "sup" or "hey whats up" then i say "Nuthen" I hate when he always says that, i never know what to say! How can I start a conversastion with him that will last a long time.??! please help me.

Honda CT90 Question......................…

where can i find the VIN number on my honda ct90? looks to me like a 69 because it has a reflector in the front and triangular speedometer...also if the vin number starts with CT90-? or after CT90? last thing, where is the engine serial number located? because i go to dmv and i give them the 6digit number and they say they it doesnt appear on the computer? is the CT90 part included in the vin number as well?

Do you match an oversize jumper with a wide belt?

I come from a tropical country and now living in a country with four seasons so would like to know how to look good in fashion but have no idea in mix and match wearing. And also, is the vintage fashion still in trend or outdated? Thank you.

I am filling Injured Spouse Allocation Form #8379 How do I fill out part II #14?

I have no idea what it means by payments. Is that what you owe the state or something else. Please help. Also on number of exemptions we together put two does that mean I put one for me (the injured spouse) and one for my husband? One more thing. on my taxes there are no cents does that mean when it says 1,877.23 I round down to 1,877.00? my wages are 6,201.50 so is that what I put? I am so confused and don't want to mess this up, please help me.

Texans what do u think when you see a cowtown stereotype being portrayed on tv?

like whenever a show features a person from texas, they always do some cheesy cowboy related thing. i mean its 2008 isnt that gag getting a little old, i could understand in the 80's when they did that but now... anyway its no big deal, i'm from texas and i'm just curious what others think

Grand Canyon: would North Rim or South rim have better hiking opportunities for person with limited mobility?

My friend has prosthetic leg. He can walk about 1 mile on level terrain. It doesn't have to be paved but nothing too steep or rocky. Recommendations on specific camp grounds or hiking trails would be appreciated.

Do I need to go to the hospital?

I started my period Saturday July 2nd. My cramps are very bad... They have always been bad... I have ped out 3 times not in the same day, Gotten headaches, nausea, fatigue and dizziness. There was something wrong with my mom's period so she had to have a Hysterectomy. There was also something wrong with her mom's period as well. My sister thinks there is something wrong with hers to... When I get cramps I get them in my legs to... Sometimes it hurts more on my right side... They get so bad that yes I have ped out. Today I spent the whole day in bed... I've begged my mom to take me to the ER several times but she won't do it. I have to take 3 or more Ibuprofen to get rid of my cramps... I'm 20, have had Thyroid problems, I've had an Ultrasound done, I've also had a Pelvic Exam done(They didn't find anything) I've also been put on Zovia and Levora birth control and they didn't help... I've tried taking a bath, the fetal position and a heating pad... Nothing works... I usually p out before I get any relief...I am being put on the DEPO shot soon but idk if it will help... I also have type 1 Diabetes. 2 times when I ped out I was laying down. The last time I ped out was in front of my bedroom door... Everything just went White and I woke up a few hours later wondering what happened...My right side hurts right now... under my belly on also... I think that I might have Uterine Fibroids or Endomitriosis... I have symptoms of both... I have also lost just straight tissue as well. I have also never had so I KNOW I'm not pregnant so I can't be having a miscarriage either... So idk should I go to the hospital? If they get really bad again should I go to the ER and have a full body scan done or something? Should I have a more detailed Ultrasound done? I do also only have pain in my right side and leg and under my belly on right now... I do have Anemia but I don't take anything for it...So what should I do? Please help... Serious answers please....Anything helps... Thanks...

Hey....will you comment/critique/read and click back on?

Groovy stuff Kirbster, a dark write is a nice change of pace for you. But I'm only basing that from the stuff I read from you here....you might have an entire journal of dark poetry for all we know.

Is Louisianna resident Mcknight going to get grief for choosing USC over LSU?

I understand the locals wanted this top high school kid to play at LSU but still he is free to choose where he wants to go. Do you think he is going to be treated poorly because of his decison or will the locals still support his choice?

Why am i getting worst?

You've got a lot of concerns, I think it would be a good idea to call your doctor. Just for the peace of mind if nothing else.

HELP!!!! Difficult World Language ignment? Easy 10 points.?

Answer all!!! 1) Do linguists know when language began? 2) Do linguists know how people began to speak? 3) Fill in the blank........Almost 1/2 of the world's population speaks a language that belongs to this language family. 4) This forms the backbone of English 5) This language may possibly become the common language for all of Africa's black population. 6) The tongues of this group are more like each other than languages of most of the other other Indo-European sub-groups. 7) This is the modern language closest to the original Indo-European language. 8)This family of languages include Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Turkish, and Mongol. 9) This is the important date for the English language, when the Norman's invaded England and established French as the official language. 10) Because of the Norman invasion, not only many French and Latin words came into English, but what else has changed? 11) How many ethnic languages subdivide the major African divisions?

Would you believe it?

your opinions do matter whether we/them dont like/dislike.so dont worry about what other people think.

Any of you experience "Breakthrough bleeding" during pregnancy?

How was your breakthrough bleeding? Was it like only a little spotting or like a period except for the period only lasted a few days? Or were you sure that you weren't pregnant at all because it seemed like a completely normal period?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Will a pool last a cold winter without being winterized?

I live in upstate ny and purchased my first home on Oct 26th. It has an above ground kayak pool and I was told the pool was closed. When I got to the house it had its traditional black tarp and I umed the pool was winterized and ready to go for the winter. Today I was walking in my yard and I notice a piece of the filter had fallen off. After investigation it was the ring that holds both sides of the filter together and it had exploded and cracked in the middle which I am pretty sure is because the water that was improperly inside froze and expanded. Also the pipes conected to the pool are frozen too. Is there anything I can do to minimize the damage now that things are frozen or am I too late?

Who will win in a fight? Fedor and GSP or lyoto machida and anderson silva? consider this a 2 on 2 mma match?

consider that all fighters are in the ring at the same time, and when a submission or ko occurs, that person submitted or koed will be eliminated... so what do you guys think?

Good idea to help socialize fearful dog or not?

Not a good idea. The dog is already fearful of strangers, then add to that strange costumes masks, and lots of kids screaming and running around, and the dog will freak out more. It's better to try and socialize him by taking him to a training cl where there are other dogs and humans that are in a controlled environment.

What does tender or sore bbs mean?

When they say the first sign of pregnancy is sore/tender , what does that mean? Do they have to be super painful? Or can it be more of discomfort? My feel like someone is flicking them, but s are not sore. Could this be an early sign? or wishful thinking? I am only 7 dpo. What were your experiences?

Where is the best place to buy pottery clay?

I live In Reno, Nevada and the pickings are slim here. Where can I buy it online, or in California? What is the best clay for begginers? What is the cheapest clay I can get?

There is much said about Sarah Palin, but do you hold Joe Biden to the same standards?

Sarah Palin is being hounded because the liberal media hated her & don't want to see her resurface in 2012 so they will try to do as much damage now to prevent a future run.

I finally saw the movie "Religulous" and want to know---what are your opinions, R&S, of the closing statement?

I agreed with most of his statements, but I don't agree that humans have the power to destroy the world. If we become too much of a problem, mother nature will find a way to get rid of us, and then planet earth will go on as if humans never existed. Or, we'll just destroy ourselves.

Can a peach tree be cut down and then regrown from the new shoots?

I have a peach tree that is badly damaged (termites and dead branches due to the drought). I don't think that it will last much longer as it is. I heard that I can cut it down and that it would then grow back. Has anyone done this? Did it work out ok? How long did it take to grow back?

Is "islamophobia" a word made up to cover up the islamist agenda?

No, "Islamaphobia" is a word created to help distinguish and detect ignorant, arrogant, anti semetic people, people who constantly fear other people, have nothing more to do then to spread propaganda, people that hate Muslims basically. This term includes those that believe of some Islamic agenda that is supposedly occurring.

I'm rich, and I hate it!!!?

If you see all those nannies chasing kids around central park, I used to be one of those kids, untill I got old enough to look after myself. I'm 13 now. I live in NYC and my mom is a designer for vogue magazine. I guess most people would think that's cool, but I don't. I go to a private school, I'm a dancer (ballet, been taking it since I was 5....suprise, suprise), and I have a "driver". You can say I live the "glam" life. but I lack love. my mom is always working, and I'm an only child, my dad left for another woman when I was 3, and I don't really have any friends. I would give up anything just to be able to spend 1 nite with my mom. can any1 help? what should I say to her? I guess I like endless money, but I would give it all up in a SECOND, FOR MY MOM'S ENDLESS LOVE!

Theres no better scouts then the fans. What are your opinions on these players?

To borrow a line from the movie Major League...and aside from Rick Ankiel,..."Who are these F*&^&*# guys?" Unless you spend every waking moment studying rosters, these guys dont make the papers daily...Sorry, just an opinion.

Why Christians believe that "thought"/belief = righteousness and is a virtue?

Because those who did not believe were killed off. Christianity enables even otherwise good people to kill.

Normal bumps or genital warts.?

Okk. A couple months ago i had with my ex, i regret it 100% but i was in the moment i guess. I really dont feel like i can trust him so i started to become paranoid that he gave me something because about a week after i believe i got a yeast infection. So i bought otc cream & it went away & hasnt came back. So i started checking my self down there & i noticed a couple bumps like.right under to the side of the opening of my . So im really scared it could be hpv. I noticed them shortly after having with him but i dont knoe if they were already there or not. Since then they have not changed in color shaper or size so idk if its all in my head or should i really be scared. I know i will only be 100% sure by getting checked but i want advixe first.

How can I make my granite fireplace shine?

I've got granite surrounding my fireplace, and stupid me decided to clean it one day. Well, now it doesn't shine. I've tried perfect granite ( http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?order_num=-1&SKU=14567070 ) and granite gold polish ( http://stores.channeladvisor.com/DutchGuard-Catalog/items/item.aspx?itemid=4537590 ), wiping with a paper towel, and both had the same problems - the granite wasn't shiny when I was done, and it left a TON of streaks. I was told to try baby oil, but that didn't work either. Any ideas?

Why aren't physiotherapists/ physical therapists allowed to perform spinal manipulation in the US?

I believe it is state to state. All PT students learn spinal and extremity mobilizations and manipulations. In NY, we are allowed to do spinal manipulation.

13 year old girl burried in avalanche!?

Can someone give me more information on the 13 year old girl who was recently burried in a avalanche? I THINK it was near granite falls or something. and I THINK the girls name is Emily Swanson.

How do i start affiliate marketing ?

Multilevel Marketing (MLM), Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing, etc. are all a waste of time. They may be legal, but they're still pyramid schemes. Save your money.

Message problem in my nokia n73?

it is the software problem of the mobile. get it to a nokia care and get the software updated. just make a backup of the phone using the nokia pc suite. by that it'll store all your messages/contacts/phone settings/etc in your pc. so when you get the phone software updated then again you can restore the contents in your phone.

Did i mess things up?

I have been texting this guy for a while.. we met through friends.. and well...he text me every day and he's asked me out a couple of times but for different reason we can't seem to set up a date....on saturday i invited him to my friends birthday.. he couldn't because it was one of his friends bday too and well..while i was at the party i got a text from him and he was asking me how i was doing and if i was having fun..whn i told him i was having a blast he said" i should have gone"...on my ride home i was telling one of my friends about him and stuff and she dared me to call him..so i called bc I wanted to hear his voice...he didnt pick up but i understand bc it was like 2 am...so i'm like ok watever... on sundar morning... my phone woke me up ..i woke up looked who it was and it was HIM!!!!!!!!...i answered but when i said hello.. he hung up...i called him back...and he answered..right aways...lol...he sounded really nervous and he apologized for not answering my call...he started doing small talk but he sounded so nervous and he kept apologizing for waking me up bc he said i sounded sleepy....it was a really short call and well..since he seemed so nervous i let him off the hook..lol....well....on mondays he always text me but today he didn't!!!! why?... does he not like me?...i feel confused

A taxation strategy where everyone pays the same dollar amount, regardless of income, is a strategy?

it is "a strategy," but it is a crappy one. Tax the rich! No matter what dollar amount you were to choose, there would always be Americans who couldn't afford it. Tax should be based on income. That's not to say that the wealthy should be taxed to death of course, but should be taxed more than the poor.

Why is it ok for straight people to talk about their relationships, but not gays?

This is regarding one of the arguments against repealing don't ask, don't tell. A lot of people who are against repealing it say that they don't mind gays and are for equality, but that gays shouldn't be allowed to "announce" their uality to the general public or mention their relationships at all. Then why is it okay for straight people to hold hands in public, have pictures of their spouses on their desks at work, etc? Straight people show us their orientation all the time in public by doing these things and we never criticize them for it. If you don't allow a gay person to have a picture of their significant other out in public for others to see, for example, then you are denying them equal protection and equal rights. It's just so silly that people say that gays are getting "preferential" treatment with repealing don't ask, don't tell. That's so insane. It's the straight people that get preferential treatment with their orientation in public all the time.

What do you think my conversation with her?

The shut up comment is directed to you correcting her spelling..she needs to really work on it.Not your fault she's illiterate.LOL Just kidding.Look,uhm..no she didn't reject you,but she has a boyfriend.Just let her figure out that he's no good for her..and maybe she'll go to you.Keep contact with her in a friendly manner.Tell her that it bugs you when she talks to you about other guys.If she knows you like her,she's obviously trying to make you somewhat jealous.Plus,going to the beach isn't a bad date!What's up with her?!?!Don't waste your time..but if you do--best of luck!

How many of you are sick of Hillary Clinton spouting her claims of experience and Obamas claims we need change

I'm tired of all the rhetoric they sling at each other. When are they both going to get to the meat of this nations issues.. While they both talk of health care, foreign policies, the war in Iraq I want to know what their solutions are in combating these issues. Neither of this has to do with her experience or his lack thereof. Stop the madness and get on with it.

What is a natural at home remedy for very dry hair?

i hav dry hair this time of year & hate buying anything full of additives & chemicals.. HELp PLZ

Why are men so defensive on the subject of feminism?

Because us guys are suppose to have a macho theme, presentation, and with the name calling, its in our straight guys DNA, we cant help it.

Ladies answer this for me? Men take a look. The story goes like this...<letters limitation, shortforms used>

Seems that A and C have very very different personality. Meaning one is adventurous, the other a homely type. I think it wont work out, unless u love her soooo much you're willing to compromise.

Who has the cheapest airfare?

im flying to new york for my birthday this april with my fiance and our best friends. we were looking on priceline but im afraid of any hidden charges. where's the best place to book a flight?This is our first flight/vacation on our own. please help.:]

I was injected several times in one night, first by my psyche, then by Nazi supporter's of fish people, didn't?

didn't care. Afterward's, Sarah Palins wraith worshipper, ingected me with something organic! Dr. I think it's spreading, parasiyter's. Definately in the brain. The robot devil, made me cause an earthquake using alien technology. Now, no movie is ever going to happen! Gee what do I do about the injections.

LSU vs North Carolina.. Safe or Out at First?

LSU was, without a doubt, safe. Anyone who knows anything about the game, that saw that play, would know that. The ump made a terrible call that could have possibly lost us the game. I am a LSU fan, I went to school there, and I will bleed purple and gold until I die. That being said, I won't go as far as to say that the bad call "cost us the game". I agree with you that it very well may have. The potential was there for us to defeat UNC, had the first base ump called the play correctly. He is a professional, and although everyone makes mistakes, I think that the play was pretty obvious. He was safe. These umps are professionals that get paid alot of money, and I think a ten year old could have called that play correctly. Unfortunately, LSU wasn't in a position for us to be able to afford the bad call. They are still amazing!!!! GEAUX TIGERS!!!!! :)

Okay, do you miss MTV when..?

they didn't have all those stupid reality TV shows? I'm sorry, but come on. It's Music Television! Put the shows on a different station and BRING THE MUSIC BACK! I can't stand Laguna Beach, The Hills and Bromance. Garbage is what it is!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

What might be a rapid response to a cruise missile strike on Polish national bases?

no other country will go to war against russia.If the US would do air strikes on Russia the US would cease to exist because of russian nukes.Nato is a bluff and is meant to convince russia to not attack but if they do no one will die for Poland.Who would?

How do I pretend to be straight?

Don't. Don't try to act differently for anyone else. Just be yourself. I play a lot of sports and you could say many of the girls I hang out with act more "manly" than feminine, but most of them are completely straight. If anyone judges your ual orientation simply based on your outward appearance then they probably have some insecurities of their own. You shouldn't care what they think.

Do you ever crave random foods with melted cheese?

like pizza, nachos, mozz sticks, enchiladas, etc.? because i find myself craving these things all. the. time.

What is a good inexpensive appetizer recipe that uses cream cheese?

Cook some spagetti, melt cream cheese, and mix the two together with some cooked chicken....It's really good..its like a carserole

Problem with refigiator?

i have a ge refigarator and it is not defrosting . about every 3-4 weeks we have to blow dri it wht is the problem?

My dogs excessive itching and sores?

Ask the vet for silver sulfadiazine cream. that works great on my dogs sores(they sound like the same thing). it makes the sores feel better and heals them fast. Good luck!

My NFL Mock draft Top 10?

Looks a LOT like mine, only difference is Quinn and Gabbert are switched, and the Redskins take Newton.

How can I move away from my dad's house? (difficult situation)?

My parents have been divorced since I was five. Until I was 11, I lived at my mother's house happily, and I never really got along with my dad. In many cases, there was some abusive situations with him that were scarring, but I learned a lot about inner strength. But at my Mom's, we always had to go visit my Grandmother and aunt all the time so they could babysit us, for lack of a better word and they were often emotionally abusive of everyone around them. When my mom started to get very depressed, after my brother moved out and a series of other events, I started to feel suffocated by the affection that she layed on me out of fear of losing me. I saw it as a huge problem for her and got very emotionally crazy over it so I decided to move over to my Dad's to give the situation room for change. For a while I kind of liked it, but I still never got along with my dad, or my stepmom whom he cheated on my mom with and married just after the divorce. She is scary controlling and they fake smiles and laughs to fool people into thinking they are okay. But when you live with them you find a much darker side. My mom got much better after the move and she saw my point and we get along great again, but now I am stuck at my dad's and I don't want to be. It is starting to get very stressful and manipulative. I have told them several times in the past couple of years that I want to go back to her, but they sidestep me and tell me it isn't what I want and negotiate, and the situations get stickier. I don't want to take it to court because I don't want my mom having to spend tons of money that she doesn't really have. I'm 16 and I should be able to make a choice, but I'm not being allowed without making it difficult. Please help?

My truck is sittin on 33s i think a 4:11 is goin to be the best for off road and daily driving?

Maybe for off road, but not daily driving. Besides more torque, you will be spending a lot at the gas pump.

MANDARIN GOBY PAIR eating brine shrimp?

My LFS currently has a pair of these in hist store they have benn eating brine shrimp for the past month. I want this pair! is it possible to keep them eating this or will they just eventually die. I have a 110 gallon tank with about 100 pounds of live rock and a deep sand bed, but i have never been able to see copepods. I dont want to buy them if i am going to just kill them. Can they survive if they are eating prepared foods? will m,y sebae clown bother them? will any of my watchmen gobies bother them?

Which genre of books sells most? I am particularly interested to see how biographies and autobiographies fare?

i dont know but mainly fiction that said autobiographies and biographies can sell well if you go by books like Angelas Ashes and its sequels and they are selling well since Frank McCourt has died a month or two ago, and other well known peoples biographies for example long walk to freedom which is Mandelas biographies is pretty good. i also enjoyed the Dalai Lamas autobiography. the more well known the person and the more influential they are can determine sales as well, but overall fiction tends to sell the highest and that covers paranormal young adult childrens and non fiction such as history historical biographies have become popular lately since shows like the Tudors came out everyone wants to know more about henry the eighth and his wives. and paranormal fiction and scifi is experiencing a boom as well hope i helped !!

Mccanns daily routine?

Yesterday the mccanns had a daily routine chart on maddies website about what there daily routine was. ! would you leave your twins in a kiddies club when your daughter had just been kidnapped. who cares how far they can run in 19 minutes. I have donated to maddies fund to help find her not read this rubbish about her parents

Are these 09 nba predictions correct?

i agree with your answer, but i will take the Rockets in 7 in the west, Artess over Gasal and Pistons in 7 over Rockets, T-Mac get over the hump this year and A.I. gets his and retires.

How many miles from Fresno, CA to Reno, NV?

does anyone know? or at least how many hours it takes from Fresno, CA to Reno, NV? I really need to know! lol

Weeds Season 2 Episode 8 ( Money)?

Could someone tell me please the name of the song that plays when Heylia buys from Conrad (and Doug) the weed ? It starts at 20:00 min and lasts like 20 sec ...

What's a ballpark cost to build a new chimney?

the last one i put up was about 32 ft. high for an 8x12 flue and with vermiculite insulation and it came to about $100.00 per ft... this was for a brick chimney...had to put a new thimble in and a cleanout door...

I received a mail, its about a lottery and it claims that i won.is it real or fraud?

I am thinking that it is fraudulent!! Is there a phone number on it you can call? Just make sure not to give out any of your personal info (bank account #'s etc)

Why do you think AlQaeda operate in Pakistan-Afghan border?

Why do you think they operate out of the Pakistan-Afghan border? Because the weather and terrain are nice there or do they have a different reason in mind for being in that location? Or that nuke corridor is super tasty for terrorist? Homeland Security, Pentagon and CIA can pick up any person anywhere in the world. What is keeping them away from that border? Huh?

How do I begin a charity??

The folks above are right--get legal by becoming a 501c3. Here's a site that explains it: a href="http://www.wikihow.com/Start-a-501c3-Nonprofit-Organization" rel="nofollow"http://www.wikihow.com/Start-a-501c3-Non…/a

Why do I have severe pain in my thighs? Laura?

I had two back surg. a couple of years ago. I have severe pain in my thighs. It feels as though they are being broken over and over. Can anyone help me pinpoint what is going on? After the last surg. I have experienced chronic moderate to severe pain in lower back and thighs. The pain in my thighs are so intensive that I shreek out in pain. Somebody please help me find out what this is. I would appreciate it emencly! Thank-you, Respectfully, lange00000@yahoo.com

Do you think this relationship we last foreva?

I am so in love wiv my bf…he is 19 and I’m 18, dis iz how we hooked up.. me nd my mates when out to a restaurants nd she invited sme male friends who she knew to accompany us..wen we sat on da table he(my bf) cme thru da door with oda male friends nd I remember I had this cringing kinda feeling which felt so good wen I saw him, I had neva seen him in my lyf, so I asked my best mate who he was nd she said he lives on her road nd is best mates with this guy we both know. When we were eatin we could not stop staring at each oda, even other ppl realized that…when we finished we were all leavin nd he wasn’t far behind me…I heard some1 callin my name nd I turned around…Sigh!!!....it was him…I was so numb…he hurried along to me nd introduced his self to me…he was bare cute…his name is Alexander..nd he said I can call hin alex for short…there was this one point where we stared in to each others eyes…nd we started laughing afta..which was so romantic…we said bye to each other nd he said I hope to see u again..wen I went hme I could not stop thinkin abou him..I thought it would be da last time I would see him buh I was wrong…I was sittin on my bed..nd my phone started ringin..it was a new numba so I picked it up..nd he said hello is this cindy and I was yeh who is this…he said don freak out its alex from the restaurant, I was so speechless, I couldn’t believe he was interested in me..I thought I was lyk a typical gyal..he was so hot….so I quickly answered and said how did u get my numba..nd he said I got it from my friend nd dat if it is all right….I was lyk yeh that’s fine dats great lol….dere was this three second silence nd afta before I could sai smething he said that he likes my beautiful smile…nd asked if he could see me again….I was bare happy..nearly wettin my pants ..I said thanks ok..nd he asked me where I would like to go…nd I was lyk anywhere I don mind..he quickly said wha abou da local park at 3pm nd we agreed. I was so excited..told all my friends..dey cme round…uu know pickin my outfits..I didn’t want to look slutty on our first date..coz I didn’t know him dat well….wen I went to da park…he was already dere…we hugged …. Nd started talkin a lot of ****…went on and on..nd he was so engaged in the convo…there was a lot ppl in the park…which was good..becoz it could kill the silences if there were any…buh luckli there weren’t…it was getting abit dark so he walked me hme nd said dat he really likes my personality and im a pretty gyal..which no one has eva said to me b4….wen we got 2 ma house…I was lyk thanks for da lunch (yep he paid) nd he held my hand..I was feeling so sweaty nd numb in weird places..i’ve been in relationships in da past buh I hav neva eva felt dis way abou alex to any oda guy….when he held my hand he gav me a peck on the cheeks and a tight hug…he was so mature nd I liked him so badly…I kinda cried wen we didn’t see each oda for max a week..becoz either my mum didn’t let me or he had a football match…buh we would send bare txt to each other…wen we saw each other like a couple of times we were more touchy feely in our next link ups…rather than talkin 4 ages…dere was no space for me to sit on the benches in the park so I would sit on his lap and we would kiss..nd kiss…nd he would tickle me so much which I would miss a lot….some dates we would go to each others houses..he introduced me to him parents and family..nd afta we went upstairs nd he would get popcorn and soda..nd watch eastenders together…wen da programme finshied he threw popcorn on me…nd I did it back 2 him nd I fought he was goin 2 get more..so I started running around him bedrm…nd he got up nd chased me with bare popcorn in his hand..I jumped on his bed nd he held my leg so I didn’t get off…nd I didn’t want to get off either beciz I knew we would end up making out on the bed (not )…wen we got together in da bed he snuggled up against me nd I felt so protected at that point..his dad was lyk to us keep it down from downstairs…nd we started kissing …nd kissin we could go on and on for 2 hrs….I would put my hands through his hair nd he would kiss me around my ears nd neck…I was wearing a low cut top on..nd I forced him hands on my chest while we were kissing nd he started maging then around my bra nd den would kiss them after a while….Eventhogh we were boyfriend nd girlfriend I fought we were married couple..I’ve been with him for 2 years and a bit..nd I love every minute of it…when I was in his room wants..he was downstairs nd I was nosin thru his books nd on the back page my name was all ova it in love hearts...so romantic..he even wrote Cindy nd Alex for eva…I was bare happy ..eventhough I thought dat was smething a gyal would do.. I love him even more now…every time we meet its lyk it was our first date…He always reminds me dat he loves me nd will always love me.....I hope he is Mr Right foreva..nd he feels the same way about me for eva….So what I wanted to ask you lots is ur opinion do you think he will marry me or

Can anyone tell me the story of how mary shelly wrote frankenstein ?

apparently her and her husband and there friend had a competition could anyone help and tell me what happened ?

Does anyone have a recipe for Vegetarian Frito Pie or Vegetarian Nachos?

Since I've gone Vegetarian, my family wants me to make a Frito Pie like I've always have on Friday Nights. I'm 20 now. When I used to make Frito Pies with meat, I'll use Wolf Brand Chili. Now I don't know what to use. Does anyone have a recipe for Frito Pie?

In Brave New World, does diction, syntax, details, imagery and/or language help set the tone? if so, how?

Diction, syntax, details, imagery and language set the tone for all literature. Do your own homework.

How do Athiests explain the Correctness of Bible Prophecy?

I feel sorry for Atheists it must be terrible to live without God in your life. Lots of things in the Bible can be proved as true. And there are some great christian scientists past and present that work with God at their side.

Why don't they make video games for historic horror movie icons?

with all the violent games out these days, there are no games based on freddy krueger, jason, michael meyers, texas chainsaw, or even frankenstein. why is this?

How do you like my main character?

he doesn't sound very likeable to me, as being negative, obsessed with your image and losing your temper over nothing is the opposite of me. but it depends what the story is about. bq: those are both good names

This is a serious prank call legality question!?

Yes you can be charged with telephone harment and you would prob get a fine. My sister was charged with the when she called this lady and told her to f---off. the woman told the police that she had threatened her and they believed her. She was fined $500 and put on probation for a year.

Clothes like Drop Dead Clothing & Glamour Kills Clothing?

Bbycakes. < very similar. Tilly's < kindof. Pacsun< has some art inspired shirts. OHOH! Shogic.com is VERY VERY similar too (:.

Play 2 or more sport in school team?

Good question. I think that playing more sports is much better, especially if they require different muscles. If you use the same muscles all of the time, they will eventually get damaged and you will get hurt. I also play three sports (volleyball, basketball, and softball). They seem to have small similarities, but they all compliment each other. For example, the speed and quickness needed to be a guard on the basketball floor is also the same used for a libero.

Difference between baby shrimp & brine shrimp?

soo whats the difference between baby shrimp and brine shrimp (as fish food) ? is it safe to feed baby shrimp to full grown betta fishes ? nd if so, how much of that should i feed a betta per day ?

Friday, December 16, 2011

Transportation from Orlando Airport to Disney (or Disney Area)?

Disney runs shuttles to its properties. It's been a while, but I believe it was free if you were staying on site. There were plenty of them and they ran back and forth all the time/

What was the name of this tv show!?!? please answer?

There were about 6 major characters. One was an old man who was a wizard, another was probably a young adult male who was very slow, there was a child who was crazy and strange, another young adult female who waas very girly , and they had a nemisis of a pig. I think htey were caveman like people.The childrens parents dissapeared at some point in there llife. It was a cartoon. And I think it was on about 3-4 years ago! Its been really bothering me that I cant remember the name! So if you know please answer(: thanks

I'm 31. My husband died in July from leukemia. I cheated on him.....?

now i am pregnant. I have his (husbands) 2 year old and my now boyfriends is due in December..... I am having HUGE depression problems and I had to move in with boyfriend, he has 2 kids that are 13 & 16..... they are the most ungrateful children, i swear. I have been through so many unexpected changes. I MISS MY HUSBAND, I need to do something. idk, please no comments that condemn me. No one is perfect snd yes i love them. What can I do...move, or play evil stepmom?

Question for the left?

What would happen in 2016 when the right takes power of the huge government you've implemented and appoints and EVIL bean counter in charge of the national healthcare you want and he decides that the government can't pay for all the healthcare costs anymore and they need to start rationing healthcare to sick and elderly. I know you truly believe that Obama's administration would never do that and that big insurance companies do it all the time. But what happens when the republicans do eventually get back into power and do what you're affraid of them doing? Wouldn't it be better for all of us if you didn't create the power and infrastructure for that to happen?

What do you think/review of this poem?

I really like it. And I usually don't respond to poetry questions like this because I'm usually not impressed. Yours shows insight and potential. Keep writing.

Would a university like georgetown look down upon me if i did not do well in math,?

Im in IB and have had B's sophmore year and C's junior year but A's and B's in all other subjects. Would a school like georgetown put a great deal of weight on the fact that i had trouble with math, or would they see that it was a C in an IB math course and not take it as harshly? Im applying to georgetown college and plan on studying political economy anyways. Plus ive retaken a semester of precal and also took ap stats which i did well in. So pretty much would the C ruin my chances of getting in?

Does anybody know of a show about the superiority of athletes?

My friend was telling me about a television show that he watched, and it compared how athletes match up to average people, forces of nature an other things. One example he gave me is that Steve Nash has unbelievable peripheral vision. Other examples were NHL goalies reacting to a puck coming at them at 88mph in .3 seconds, NFL players able to turn around cones with unbelievable quickness and race car drivers reacting to a green light in a few thousandths of a second. They compared athletes to lighting bolts and having the quickness of cats.

Would anybody please help me with a physics exercise?

You need to know how much force the penguin can pull on the rope with. Alternately, if you're saying the coefficient of friction applies to both the sled sliding on the ground and the rope sliding through the penguin's wing (flipper?), then you need to know how tight the penguin is holding the rope (normal force).

Do you get why this answer is A?

Thats really weird wording, but think of The Simpsons/Family Guy/South Park etc. They are all have a ton of satire; they are entertaining to many and all address social issues, the FCC is too strict, politicians are super-corrupt, people become afraid of something and act hastily, they all (attempt to) provoke thought.

Lol who has checked out GM's new benefits when you buy a car, especially "paycheck protection"?

pathetic. I feel bad for these people that are begging you to buy a car and pay you to do it. this says mountains of what a state this country is in. before this they were hiking prices trying to screw you any way they could now they are on their knees. why don;t these people just give up and join the welfare line. this is an embarment.a groveling car dealer. who would have thunk it/

Pick ONE name from the list please?

Robben Milan Hart is the one that stands out the most to me. I love the name Robben, great alternative to the popular Robert!

Why Do I Get Chills All Over My Body?

when i play guitar with a friend i would get chills down my spine because how good it sounds, and another thing is when i like a part of a song i would get chills down my spine. or like at that doctor when the nurse or doctor checks my temperature, heart rate etc. i get chills whats the reason for that? the chills aren't painfull or anything they actually make me zone out into complete relaxation

What is up with this Celebrity Twin Club!?

True I have been thinking the same thing when I saw that Lisa Presley had twin girls. I was like, how come all these celebrities are having all this twins. Probably just fertility drugs.

Happy gilmore...music....?

I want a soundtrack list from that movie, Happy Gilmore, you know the song that starts with drums during the tounrement and the guitar is like "baooooooo......baooooooo...na naoooooooooo....* and th drums go "bum dum duh dum dum." is there a happy gilmore soundtrack i could buy orrr?

Best Infiniti dealers in orange county???

I'm planning to get a g37 sometimes this month & i was wondering where is the best infiniti dealership that gives out the best deals w/great service. I went to the one in costa mesa today & they do have more cars to choose from, however, the salesman was very rude and only talked about himself and what he drives instead of the car. & he doesn't even drive an infiniti! so i will NOT return to the one in costa mesa. So please let me know what infiniti dealerships (cerritos, tustin, etc.) are the best & feel free to tell me your story & what sort of deal they gave you. =)

University in UK (life.. fraternities.. parties)?

From experience, possibly outdated now...Universities have campus and some living space on site, but never come across dorms, all students have own rooms and shared facilities..no frat houses, parties if you like. Some students will have to go to private sector rental accommodation, be careful of the areas you go for, as some can be in waaaay dodgy areas of the city. City living will be pretty much the same wherever, but Northern unis may have cheaper standard of living (and friendlier natives!)

What Does It Mean When An Ultrasound Paper Says "Follicles Are Seen In The Bilateral Ovaries." Is That Bad.?

I Had An Ultrasound Done For My Ovaries And My Uterus. But The Paper Of The Results Say That "Follicles Are Seen In The Bilateral Ovaries." But My Question Is That Bad Or Something Good.????

What do you call a person that does basement work?

I need to find a professional that really knows what needs to be done to set up a system to keep my basement dry ie put in some type of drainage system and sump pump. I don't know what type of contractor to look for. What do you call a person that does this kind of work and is not just a "handy man" who is willing to "give it a shot." Thanks.

What would happen in this situation?

i think some sort of penalty would be essed and ur right, they'd have to run another play and they might not score, which would suck. But unlike baseball, there's no umption of scoring because he could fumble the ball, the ball can be scooped up by the other team and the game ends, u get my drift?

Any good headphones instead of skullcandy?

i had titans and i've had smokin buds but they always break at the plug in so im lookin for something other than skullcand at about the same price

Gilmore girls????????

can you describe the friendship between, the mother and daughter in gilmore girls? Or you can use a different friendship between two people on a t.v show.

MW2 Stradegies, tips, and game play styles?

I want to revolutionize my Modern Warfare 2 play style, so if anyone could help me brainstorm a new way to play and be successful. I dont mind you giving me a detailed description of what you do to be successful or to rack up kills. I want it to be universal in all game modes besides maybe tdm because that is mostly campers and noobs! I usually do some rushing and defensive sneaking around to enemy territory and taking out enemy targets as my friends call them out. This is a good tactic but sometimes I wonder how some players do consistenly good every game and what they do. Plus I want each answer to include a gun they want me to try out and I will post my best game with that gun on here in the extra details! But if you give me a stradegy also include what guns that would work best with and be specific with how it is done and how to practice it. Thanks! I am looking to improve my game and my PSN is: xthemu3lx but dont add me unless you answer with honesty and respect, thanks!

Are technological innovations and socialism compatible or is capitalism necessary for tech progress?

It would not be NECESSARY, but it would yield a greater level of innovation. After all, the USSR did produce food, too. Just not nearly as much as the US per acre.

Christian relationship moving quickly...?

I am a born-again Christian in my late 20's, and I just began a new relationship with a guy from my church.We've known each other for a year but just started dating.We have a tremendous amount of things in common.Everyone in the congregation, including our minister, keeps saying how cute we are together and how honorable people we are.We both share a strong relationship w/ Jesus,and want to wait until marriage for .We have however been very intimate in other ways physically (kissing,holding,making out, etc.).I truly believe I'm falling in love w/him-I've never felt this way before or moved so fast w/ a guy. I really think he is the ONE. And we both enjoy exploring each other's bodies to see how compatible we are on the physical as well as spiritual level. We are basically dating with the intent of testing marriage possibilities. But I still want to honor God in our actions. Any advice? Am I sinning by being so physical w/ him?

Was Reagan one of the most destructive Presidents in US history?

Your information is wrong. Also, what is National Debt compared to national ets? National Debt is only relative to national ets. What would a debt of 30,000 dollars mean to a man who made 500,000 dollars a year mean? Not much. So, if you compare it to ets, Bill Clinton had more debt than Reagan and BUSH! Put that in your pipe.

Good 5-7 day Backpacking Trips in Glacier National Park?

I did a six day trip to Glacier last September. We did the Highline trail and I would highly recommend it. Kootenai Lake campground was my favorite campground, moose feeding all day both nights we stayed there. When you plan your route try to set it going through stony indian p. Have fun

Southern Culture on the Skids?

Who can indulge their southern culture most eloquently. I'm a liberal, socialist, that believes in universal government sponsored healthcare, complete freedom of the press, gay marriage, and a woman's right to abortion. The confederate flag was meant to be burned (I'd happily leave a gift on my g-g-g-g-g-grandfather's confederate grave that couldn't be mistaken for flowers). And I think people that say things like a'ight, yon't to, rekon, and crik have no right to voice an opinion on a single national language. Unfortunately my record is spoiled by the fact that I do support the individuals right to bear arms. To counter that, I think there should be a national ban on all gun shows. And for all that, I'm sort of stuck living in North Georgia. Isn't life ironic?

Andrew symonds is out of the world cup,how is this going to effect Australia's chances of winning the cup?

he is probably Australias best one day player and very important to the team with his abillity to win a game off his own bat plus great in the field and a handy bowler.

Is this what happens when people are given true freedom?

When the next round of ethnic cleasing starts,lets see if their so called Catholism is enough to save them.

What led to Colonization?

What factors that led to colonization, and the benefits and drawbacks of the European colonialism in Africa.

How can we help this guy come back to his senses?

My neighbor's son is 23, by the way, he asked me to post this question... He wants to marry a woman who is 29... My neighbor and I have been talking with the kid for weeks trying to talk him out of marriage with her. First of all, she will never look at him as the authority or head of the household... and second, she will not be able to work as hard around the house when he is 55 as a more fresh 45 year-old would, for instance... What can we do to save this naive youngster?

Media and Cherry, Ovechkin, Crosby and Avery?

Yeah, I think they're just not used to hockey players lapping up all the attention. Even Crosby keeps to himself most of the time.

Help with a Halloween costume!!! Please!!?

For halloween I am being a go go girl. I already have the boots so i just need the dress, but the problem is that a lot of costume stores sell it with the boots or are to short and tight and a lot are way to overpriced. I need a go go girl dress that is $25 the most and is not too inapropriate. I am only 11, but dont find a childrens costume. I no this a lot to ask for, but remember if you win you get ten points!!! Thanks sooo much! (links are appreciated)

Is it ok to buy your competitors extensions and point them to your site?

Nope, that is called cyber-squatting and the courts have ruled against such activity. Yahoo and Googlirrelevantlevent.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Working out/ mental question?

i have had some very strange feelings lately and i believe it is somehow related to more extreme working out and supplements i am taking. I just feel depressed and for no reason i have everything in the world going for me, live with my parents and have a great relationship with them, have wonderful friends around me all the time. But things that used to be fun to me are just blah. I have been doing weights for an hour every other day and cardio on the days i dont do weights, usually about 6-8 mile run. I have had great rtesults and look better than ever, i just feel depressed. I am also taking an ephedrine, caffine, aspirin regimen, which has helped alot with my muscle growth and loss of fat. I have about another week before i quit taking the pills though. I was just wondering what causes this deppression. everything is great, i just want to be alone all the time though, and i cant sleep even though i spend so much energy working out, i also eat 4-5 times a day so i know its not food

Texas divorce laws???

my dad and my stepmom are getting a divorce. they have been married for 7 years, and have no children together. My dad has 3 kids of his own from his previous marriage and he makes a good living. My stepmother used to work at a low income job (didnt contribute much to the household) but later quit and now has no job. How much of my dad's money will my stepmom walk away with (percentage)?????

Daughter is bored - why?

My 7 mo old daughter is always so bored when I'm with her, and cranky. She goes from one activity to the next without much interest or enthusiasm, smiles and giggles not too often, and just generally seems frustrated. I'm a stay-at-home mom and I'm with her full-time. I've tried everything! I try to play WITH her, for example in books they recommend games like pop goes the wheazel, peekaboo, patty-cake, holding babies hands and making her clap or making her touch your face, etc. and she hates when I hold her hands and pulls them away. She is generally uninterested in any games like that, and if she is, she's only interested for maybe two times, then, even weeks later, she's still bored if I try to play them again. I give her toys, and the freedom to play with them both WITH me and to explore on her own. I rotate them, yet she still seems bored with all of them, no matter is she's playing interactively with me or by herself, whether I suggest ideas for games or whether I follow her lead. She only likes 1 book of all the the books I try to read but only stands it to be read maybe three times in a row then it's over for the day. I try tickling, talking, showing her things, letting her show me things, playing with toys, letting her play along, letting her discover water or cups or objects, different rooms, changes of scenery, location, voice. I show enthusiasm and praise. I make up games, I let her make up games. Nothing works. She rarely smiles at anything I do. She gets so bored and agitated with her toys no matter how I rotate them. I do give her regular (and needed) naps, so it's not just being tired. She comes from a loving home without drama, and two attentive parents. She doesn't seem to have attention deficit and I would doubt that she has autism because she does fine playing and interacting with almost anyone else. I mean there's no doubt that when she's tired or hurt or scared or sad she wants me, but all other times she's just flat around me. The only game she likes is if I carry her around all day and show her objects but she's a HUGE baby (not fat just big) and I can't carry her for long before my arms ache and she won't let me use a sling or a carrier with me. What is going on?? I'm an attentive, serious, loving mother who has only ever wanted to do what's best and right for my daughter. I thought my intentions and love would be enough to make her happy with me but obviously my efforts are failing for some reason. I have no clue why. I read books, I try to implement everything I can, it was a planned pregnancy, I've wanted to be a mom my whole life. I can't imagine what's gone wrong, it's certainly not for lack of trying. Lots of effort, lots of hugs and cuddles, songs and experiences. I feel awful! I have two questions. The first one is, has anyone had a simillar problem? is this common, and what might be the cause? and the other question is: does or has anyone had a child like this and what were the methods you used to make them interested and engaged? any game suggestions?

Had root c... may have to extract tooth?

Not necessarily. The infection could be of left over bacteria that was missed. An endo retreatment and new filling should might probably be adequate. If its the same tooth and it hasnt been too long, this should be free of charge.

Do you believe that this will be the X-factor in the SuperBowl?... Saints Defense...?

The X-factor is going to be the p rush of both of these teams. Both quarterbacks have the ability to light up the opposing p defense for anywhere between 350 to 400 yards ping, and the quarterback that has the least amount of p rush pressure on him will more than likely lead his team to victory.

Is KO games online.com legit?

It looks okay but just to be on the safe side don't buy anything from them there is always a risk when ordering things over internet.

The word 'Socialism' gets thrown around a lot this election, but do you even know what it means?

You made the conservative point in your references! Don't underestimate the intelligence of the American public. I haven't seen a socialistic program that has ever been successful, and one that we can afford. Public education was good before the NEA and the federal government messed it up.

Gas fire installation - no chimney, no gas supply, outside wall.?

You will need to get a gas fire with a balanced flue.(that's the type that has an escape to an outside wall) Is it possible that the gas pipe can be led from your garage on the outside wall?. It would be a shame to have an ugly pipe in your living room.I do not think that the installation will cost much more than �250.

What QB should i put in???

This is for week 16 Marc Bulger who's playing Washington, Trent Green who's playing Oakland or Tom Brady who's playing jaxonville?

What is your single favourite song?

Mine is probably... Drive in Saturday by David Bowie... but it's very close between that and Starman :)

Is it rude to test drive a car if you don't intend to buy it?

I am looking to buy a Toyota MR2, and I have found a good deal on ebay. It's out of state, so I'll have to get it shipped to my home. It's got a clean CARFAX and the pictures look good, as well as its low mileage. Is it okay to go to a used car dealership near my house to test drive one? The one at the dealership near my home is salvaged, higher mileage, older, and more expensive than the one on ebay, even with the added shipping cost. Is this okay from a legal and/or ethical standpoint? Thanks!

How many Dixie Chicks songs are covers?

and how many did someone else wright for them? and have any of the girls in the band written any of their songs? and which ones were their hit songs?

Best college for geology in wa state?

Hi im moving to seattle but i know JPL is in CA. Does the wa state/Seattle have good resources still? I'm really into planetary geology (geology of other planets, moons etc. ) so I have to major in geology or physics. What colleges in wa are good for this? Either geology or physics I'm told. I will have to finish community college also. I went to the UW site but they don't seem as much into it compared to other colleges here where I am like James Madison University for example. I know Seattle and wa state has a way better diverse terrain compared to Virginia so in looking for a college that takes advantage of the local geology and such thanks!

Just made these lyrics up?

woah...i only skimmed it and that is GREAT!!! except i wouldn't put lyrics on the internet...somebody might steal the lyrics and use them...especially when they're THAT good!!!

Very end of Inception: Dreaming or awake?

Me and my friends have been debating this subject for a while. Im talking about the very end where they guy meets his kids again and you see the top on the table. I believe that he was dreaming because the top wobbled, but never fell. If you refer to earlier in the movie it also wobbled while it was on the Chinese guy's table. Please give me any input you might have, thanks!

What jobs are out there for me?

i want to work and travel with the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey team. I would like to interact with the players and move around with the team. I'm a girl so i don't know if my options are limited. I'm going into college and i want to know what fields to study. please no sidney crosby slurs or puck bunny comments. thanks and god bless.

Word definition?

My professor gave us an ignment to list the definitions and origins of a list of words. One of the words I can't find is gullible. Why isn't gullible in the dictionary?

Most cost effective insulation?

blown in is much easier for this situation than is batt, and the store which sells the bags of cellulose will rent or loan a machine to blow it in. I'd look at the machine first, to see what kind/size of nozzle, then stare at the house a few minutes, and see how much damage you'd do creating openings near the ceiling for installation. If the house has no insulation, there probably aren't fire blocks, but you'll have to do several cavities -- the studs themselves are barriers. Probably there's a crawl space -- look underneath for insulation. If needed (count on it -- it will need it), it will have to be batts, and it will have to have gravity support. If you do this, I'd start with foam to seal wire and pipe s at floor. Also go around exterior looking for holes to foam. Put clear sheet polyethlene (I like 6 mil) over the windows outside, and staple it using screen mold or similar, to keep wind out of the window cavity. Check elec outlets and light fixtures and switches, too, for leaks. Foam works well there also, and/or you can buy black foam rubber gaskets precut to put behind the plug plate covers.

Why wont god hel daddy?

daddy had his arm cut off when he was in the war. and i ask god to hel his arms back so i can give him a hug but god dosnt ever want to. if i give Mike back his bike will god heal daddy's arms back? i pray every night and i really beleve he will if no he wants to but nothin has ever happend.

FWB....is it or isn't it?

so ive known this guy for a few months... and now we have digreseed to FWb... thing is it often feels more relationship than FWB... he invited me and i went to his neices 1st bday party over the weekend and met the family... to me that is not FWB... now i haven't heard from him this week... it felt like we were getting close last week then poof he disappears for a couple days...whats up with that...

My life feels hopeless?

It's just one of those things, when I was a kid I rememeber seeing all the "reactive" personalities, getting themselves into sh1t, as you grow you kind of learn to see all the reactions before they happen... predict them in a way, and with that you avoid all sorts of life wasting moments.. good luck.

What are your opinions on Christian Bale? Girls, do you think he's hot? His facial features?

Hi! You obviously think he is attractive. Me? Not so much. He just doesn't do anything for me. When you throw in his bad attitude and multiple tantrums during filming, it's just a huge turn off.

We just had a big snowstorm and my property manager is being a crab....what can I do?

Okay So I spent about 8 hours of my day shoveling snow and my property manager is supposed to higher people to do that. So I called him once to see when they were at and he told me a few hours so I waited.....Mind You my now born son has a temp of 103 and my ar is under six foot of snow... Then I called him again because they had not shown after four hours. So when he had called back I was away from my phone, he left me a voicemail and at the end of it the phone was pulled away from his mouth and he said "Stop calling the emergency hotline if theres not a real emergencey". Do I have the right to be mad? I know for a fact that he didn't mean for me to hear that but I did. Who should I go to? I have talked to him and hes the only one that I know to call I don't know of anybody else that I can call. How should I go about taking care of this issue.

I'm growing out my hair and I need help describing this hair style to my stylist.?

the best way?... print the picture and show it to your stylist. That way there will be no misunderstandings and you wont end up with a bad bob.

Stipulated Order of Continuance for Dismissal?

I went to a small county courthouse today, in a small po-dunk town, to contest a traffic ticket. The clerk had me sign on of these, without a fee, and sent me on my way. Basically it says if I'm a good girl for the next year the charge will be dismissed. Has anyone ever heard of this being done without paying a fee? Please advise.

Why does it have to be, Jamie Burke?

With only two days before the Big Red Carpet Night at the annual Oscar bash, why is it that the honour of escorting the celebrated reclusive American writer and poet, Linda J Cirillo, to this years Awards, has to be given to that professional "boyfriend", JAMIE BURKE. This is the same Jamie Burke who has previously escorted the likes of Sienna Miller, Kate Moss,Courtney Love, and the number one professional party girl, Miss Lindsay Lohan.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How come everyone just LOVES to hate on rap music?

I never used to like rap all that much but now it's my favorite music to listen to. It is great to dance to regardless of the lyrics. I can understand how some people might be offended by them but they shouldn't listen to it then! I'm really not into emo that much so I don't really know too many songs about that but the whole emo thing is a bit dramatic don't you think?

Have you lost a pet ever?

omg that made me cry how sad but so sweet you did that in photo bucket.. My dalmation *marble* whom was 16, died of chronic kidney failure was hard for me he was my first dog, hardest thing was i couldnt help him and the vet tryed his best for a month in the vets 24 hours care.. I visit Marble every day,he always wagged his tail when he saw me.. even on his last day alive, finally the vet and i decided not to let him suffer anymore. On his last day he was so weak and tired he could barely move then once he saw me he wagged his tail an i fell to the floor crying and holding him talking to him, even though he had no strength he sat up licked my face and layed back down as if to say thank you for being my momma and goodbye Sighing those papers i dont even remeber i was in sure heartache and pain.. he was creamated and i put him in teh Gulf of mexico where we use to go swimming every week in the summer

Why is Inhibiting an anti-cancer enzyme a good thing?

If there were such a thing, no one would want to stop this enzyme from preventing cancer. Honestly, I've never even heard of us having this enzyme. If we did, don't you think more cancer would never happen. Perhaps they were doing a project trying to stimulate certain gens to create this enzyme. I'm only guessing on the little you gave. You have to remember, the word 'cancer' is a blanket word for over 200 different disease and to find one anti-cancer enzyme to inhibit cancer would be near impossible and since cancer begins with a defective gene, I would think one would try and target the gene. I'm sure the scientist all over the world have done these things. Good thought, Wish it was true. Good luck in your project. You sure picked a tough one.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2007?

Ok so I'm trying to make a powerpoint on the new one and it's making me mad... When you're making backgrounds, how do you get the gradient fill where you pick 2 colors and it'll put them together? like on the old powerpoint? because the only thing under 'gradient fill' is the preset color schemes and stuff. please help if you can! thanks!

I lost my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

i lost my sweat shirt in north africa on vacation do you think the tribe i was staying with would send it back to me? the main leader faldinoter said hees not responsible for lost items but i think one of his workers stole it so idk what to do maby ill go back and get it from him does anyone know the number to the yacker tribe in north africa?

Clichy vs Carragher?

The better player in reality is Jamie Carragher, but playing as a winger who will get quite a few ists (as well as a large amount of clean sheets) Clichy will score you more points in Fantasy Football.

Yaz birth control recall?

My friend contacted me today and said she heard on the news that the birth control Yaz was going through a mive recall. It just so happens I take Yaz. So I looked it up online and it said Yasmin or something like that was being recalled. I'm not too sure as to what to believe. Please let me know...

Is there any way that Flinstones Gummy Vitamins could cause bruising?

I've been taking those yummy Flinstones gummy vitamins for a couple months now, and it seems like ever since then I've just had the most random bruises pop up all over me. I don't remember ever being hit there or accidentally bumping into something that would leave a bruise, and even if I did, I've never bruised easily. I rarely would ever get bruises, now it seems like I'm covered in them. Do those vitamins have anything to do with it? Should I quit taking them? Or is it just me becoming bruised easily now?

Im using FL Studio. But my songs dont sound as good when i export them whether i do mp3 or wav files?

What can i do to make the song i created in Fl Studio 9 xxl producer edition, sound just as good when i export the file.

Need help wih the odyssey!?

I am doing a project on a brochure of a cruise line for the odyssey. how would someone contact the people if they were interested in going on the cruise and what would they use to pay for it and how much.

Looking for Fireman "T" ...know where I can find him?

Im not a stalker or anything...just read a question of his and tried to answer and got kicked off line. Now I can't locate name or question.

When wil CDs be obsolete?

probably sometime soon. mp3's already taking over and they even got tiny disks now. new technology will grow... and btw, yeah i hate it when my disks get scratched too, especially when im not the one who scratched it...

What are some modern (2000's) Pop Punk/Rock/Electronica/Alternat… bands i should listen?

blink-182, Four Year Strong, Set Your Goals, Transit, Man Overboard, New Found Glory, Saves the Day, The Starting Line, The Early November, Brand New, Taking Back Sunday, Midtown, The Get Up Kids, Hot Rod Circuit, Head Automatica, Motion City Soundtrack.

Modeling help/info?

i really want to be a model and im 15, but is 5'4" too small i know for runway u have to be 5'7" but do they have exceptions for 5'4" maybe haha, also if they dont would glamour shots be good for a starting portfolio? please gimme all the info on modeling and if runway isnt an option its cool

What is a worthwhile contribution to society that any of Israel’s neighbours have made in the last 63 years?

Couldn't think of any; all they did was continue the idea of the third way (fascism) in Syria, Egypt and Iraq while the gulf states were stuck in medieval kingdoms.

Is it an unusual British slang?

I think I know what it means, a new pee, or more correctly "p", was what the penny became called jokingly for a short while when the currency changed to decimal in 1971, to distinguish it from the old penny. There was an older expression that if something was "two a penny" (a shortened form of "two for a penny") it was very common, often found, nothing unusual, cheap, you could buy two of them for a penny. So it looks as if the sentence is just saying there were lots and lots of these "long haired wayward wasters twenty years ago", i.e. "two a penny, or two a new pee", pee of course also being a pun on taking a pee, it was never the official spelling of the new penny.

Moving to London from Texas, will everyone stereotype me straight away?

Yes, you will get ribbed. And with all the animosity that GW has generated, some of it may not be in all good fun. However, keep your sense of humor. Brits are appreciative of good wit. My son did a study-abroad year at Leeds, and he was teased about stupid American tv shows, like Jerry Springer. He responded, "Nobody in America watches those. We just ship them overseas." When I was in the UK for business, I got the occasional, "Oh, you're an American." To which I would respond, "Worse - I'm a Texan."

In the Crucible, who do you think is to blame for the Salem Witch Trials?

i thought it was the towns folk for believing them. but back then the average person was less Intelligent.

Supercuts Sucks rite!??!?

Yes that is well known for women and men just coming out or finnishing up hair style school. so the prices are cheap while they get to practice on us lool. So dont' go there if you care how you wanna look.

Does anyone have the tabs for the acoustic version of "damn regret" by the red jumpsuit apparatus ?

i need either the tabs for the acoustic version or for a single guitar version.also i need the acoustic tabs for "your guardian angel" ....its for someone special

NaHSO4(aq)+NaOH(aq)= Na2SO4(aq)+H2O(l)?

0.0100 mole of sodium hdrogensulfate is neutralized with dilute sodium hydroxide, concentration 0.200mol dm^-3. how to calculate the volume of sodium hydroxide required?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Do you like all of the modes of SVR 2011 if yes star this Question?

talk about a bad ending i thought this was all real i was hoping they would bring back the gm mode but anyway yes i really wisk all this would happen, too bad it wont, too good to be true

Guys how would i tell him he is going to far with the touching?

ok i have a friend that is not so attractive an he kinda goes a little to far wit the touching like yesterday he touched me in the lower front area. i didn't wanna be mean so i just stood up an walked away.today he was holding my hand an AGAIN i didn't wanna be mean so i just held his hand until i could escape.and he is in the 11th grade and im only in 9th so im not as experienced as him. how do i tell him he is gong a little to far.

Is this a HIPAA violation?

in a way yes, and i a way no.. postal workers are trained and told not never read any ones mail.. that it is against the law.. even post cards.. but then again,, do they really not read the post cards?

Horrible knee twinge for absolutely no reason?

I was just sitting with my laptop on the sofa earlier, when I felt this sudden and almighty squeezing twinge at the top of my knee. It was fairly painful, but only once, so I brushed it off as nothing and returned to my laptop. Then it happened again, and has been happening randomly for the last 20mins or so. To my knowledge I haven't done anything that could have brought this on, any suggestions as to what it could be?? It hurts!!

Which starting 5 would you rather have?

I'm a Bulls fan and have seen almost all of their games this year. I'll take any team that has Derrick Rose on it. This kid is special. I've been watching him since he was a freshman in high school, and it's been amazing to watch his progress. He makes every body else on the team better.

Drainage for Improved Meyer Lemontree?

I just got a lemon tree and Im going to pot it recommends putting rock in the bottom of the container for better drainage. Ironic as this is, I dont have any rocks other than limestone. Would limestone work? If not, would busted up cinder blocks work instead?

I need someone to help me plz, im heart broken =(?

well don't stress out about this guy. If he really likes you then he will come around when he feels like he needs too(guys tend to take a long time). If not then just move on, don't let him ruin your whole year because your stressing over him. the right guy will come around, you just have to be patient.

Are there any under-performing (in your mind) youngsters that could still be All Stars?

I don't know much about many teams other than the Rangers, but I think Julio Borbon has some potential

How does one turn a ration into a percent?

I have been searching all over the internet and haven't found an answer that works. My biggest ordeal with these are second parts of data that don't go equally into 100 (i.e. 15:*81* or 7:*19*). Can someone please give me sufficient tips on how to solve this?

Logics and bible fans....any comments?

Not a lot of people on this earth will tell you that the earth was created in just 6 days. Sides if god created the whole universe then why couldnt he have done it in 6 days.Anything is possible with god. I dont know why people take it literally. God created the earth before humans. Humans dont know when it was created. God Bless

I dreamt- my teeth were falling out one by one,what does this mean?help!?

I seem to remember reading that this is a really common dream and it means that you are afraid of saying something that will be embarring or disappointing to those around you.

Please help me find a journal?

I'm a M.A student (I study Translation Studies) and I need to publish a couple of articles before defending my thesis but unfortunately I can't find a good journal that is not too strict on the topic and etc, I have tried Journal of Translation Studies but since it's a international journal with an impact factor of around 1.75 I got a no from them because they thought my article is not sufficiently developed for a journal like them.I have worked on translations of Hamlet and need to publish them or at least get an acceptance within the next 3-4 months.

"No Taxation Without Representation" what is the tag-line for the latest Tea Party?

I don't get your question. Unless you live in the District of Columbia, everyone has a Senator and a Representative. Just because some don't know the name of their representatives, does not mean that they don't have one.

Where can i find a shoe simlilar to Alexander Wangs combat boot looking stiletto without spending 700$?

this shoe appeared in a recent glamour magazine and i cant find any shoes like them and i certainly cant spend 700 on a pair of heels. thats just silly

Everyone pleeeease answer this???!!! Thank you?

Not a good situation. It's not appropriate for a teacher to have a personal relationship with a student. I'm sure he knows this & he's probably struggling internally between what feels right & what he knows is wrong.

Should the People "refuse" to pay carbon based taxes?

There is just as much evidence to suggest the sun is causing climate change. I will join whatever cause there is to combat the Carbon Tax.

Which of my rights were VIOLATED and how should I handle this situation?

Tell her that you think Your rights Were Violated from the Time you were pulled Over and that it was an Illegal search, also tell the judge that you did not put the gun in your trunk and you believe the officer planted it there, you should have asked for medical attention when you were arrested , you know make the cop work. while you were being interrogated with out a lawyer you should have asked to use the bathroom and when they ignored you you should have used it right on the floor bet they would get you out of the area then. if you bang your head on the wall and make it bruise a little then tell the Judge Look what the cops Did to you. Then get medical attention and say the cops did it you got a lawsuit now. remember 2 can play dirty. as Far as the charges go you have to go through the process Innocentt or guilty it doesn'tt matter to the judge. just go through the process with a Good Lawyer if you can afford, if not go to the Law Library in Prison. they have the Lawsuit forms already filled out for you

What do I do about this?

So heres the story... Ive like this guy since i was in 7th grade. He was in 11th. In November of my 7th grade year he asked me who I liked, and I told him it was him. He said: "Im to wild for you." I don't l know exactly what that means?? So he started textin me every night after that at 10:30. He never missed a night. And he would always talk to me about his girlfriend and what he could do for her. Even when he knew i liked him. Then after they broke up we hardly talked anymore. But he would send me these fwd messages sayin stuff like: I love you forever and always dont you ever change..." etc.. Now im 3 years older and so is he, And now we hardly talk but i still see him once in a while. He even hugged me at a football game. But he doesn't even act like he knows me anymore. I dont know what to do about thiss.. I really care for him. Help please.

Why do men always want you to do things that they are incapable of doing themselves?

It is a power thing. Male versus Female. If they can in some way make you do this sometimes ridicules stuff then they have a sense of being in charge for some reason. It usually isn't logical or have anything to do with common sense. You might want of reexamine whether you want to be with someone like this. Being with them for a long period of time can do damage to your self esteem and lead to other more serious problems. Be care and stay safe. Good Luck.

Please Make me an OUTFIT?

a href="http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/profile?id=142555" rel="nofollow"http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/profile?id=1…/a

Do fruitarians have to have a moral objection to eating other foods?

It doesn't HAVE to be a moral choice, but something so restrictive is hardly a wise diet, so it's generally a matter of morals because none of the other reasons are that valid.

Help, is my order lost? when i track my package doesn't update?

From past experience, I know the USPS tracking leaves a lot to be desired. Sometimes I already have my package, and there are no updates on the website. Since it has been awhile though, I would contact my local post offce and see if they can track it more efficiently. Let them know that it was picked up on Dec 29, and you still haven't received it.

Monday, December 12, 2011

II think my psychologist is insane or something?

My psychologist said I am the new breed of psychopath. He also kept asking about any abusive situations in my past that might have caused my state. I told him that I did deal with sociopaths in my childhood who got me in trouble but that's it. He said I had innate ability to understand thoughts at an above average level. I personally thought I was stupid because my brain moves at such a fast level that I process slow when it comes to school and things I have to force myself to get interested in. He said I wasn't capable of doing this, this was the way I was developed. But when a person talks to me for a while, I know within the first few minutes what that person is like and what he desires and I act in ways to manipulate that. I think like a human being at times but my compulsive behavior gets ahead of my normal behavior. I live in the reality in my head and treat it in the real world like I'm in a mind warp of my fantasy and everything are my puppets. I am apathetic, lack moral remorse when I am targeting something I want which I become obsessed with, not letting anything else stand in my way. Truthfully I hate my mind, I can't focus in school because I always daydream so I took myself out of school to do homeschooling. But I am a psychological genius but I wanted to know math and science but whenever I try learning math, the numbers become jumbled in my head. The highest grade I ped in math was a D and I struggled to keep that D, so I decided to give my brain a rest and choose homeschooling. He said I cannot change my subconscious sociopathy which made me think he was a ridiculous psychologists and yet I still cannot control my behavior I'm pive aggressive, narcissistic, and apathetic. But I do have traits that are not psychopathic. Do you think my psychologist is insane and what do you think about all this? Is there any way to change the thought process in my brain?

I don't care - Britney, Lindsey, Paris - their parents should've just went to sleep that night!?

You don't have to agree with me (I really don't care if you do) - I think their fans need to reevaluate their lives.

Still wondering?

as in my previous question i also wanted to add last nite my fiance and i had , this morning right now i have little twinges of cramps are still sore to the touch BUT i have no signs of being bloated my ficance says get a test, but is it to early to tell? i had my last period probably march 14th or so give or take a day,,,i try not to think am i prego am i not?? but seriously how can you do that?? i probably should be checking my temp, cus during the days some days i feel like hot flashes real fast and get tiny tummy aches but they dont last long>> helpfull answers or advice??

Is the Bowl Challenge Cup just a stupid trophy used to make money?

I mean I understand that it's a great way for conf. to compare themselves but they use the winning percentage system to determine the champion which means that some small conf. like the Sun Belt or the Mid-American conf. could go either 1-0 or 2-0 and still win it because they can have only a few teams going to bowls in some years as long as other conf. all have at least 1 loss. This is coming from a Big East fan whose conf. won it in 2007 when we went undefeated in the BC Cup. I think that this stupid trophy is just made in order to hype up the bowls and make people talk constantly about conf. so the BCS can make more money. BTW what is the trophy made from? It looks like some gl or plastic NC title replica, Ha Ha just kidding.

How can i take apart this speaker box.?

I have a store bought stereo system. i have had it for about two years now. one of my speakers seems to be crackling and i wanted to take apart the case so i can disable the speaker. the speaker housing is made out of wood and im guessing that its probably glued together.

We own the house jointly can i sell my wife left 9 months ago?

whoever is on the deed at the courthouse will have to sign to sell. look at your property tax notice, it should be addressed to you both if she's on there. your mortgage company only cares about the payoff.

Any good sad/sentimental rap songs?

give me any. I want something about struggles in life. Anything from Lupe to Kanye to Nas.........ANYTHING! or maybe you have a easy listening song that isn't rap!

What is the song playing in the movie Hangover, at 1hr23min into the movie, after they remember where doug is.?

I found this website: a href="http://www.girlztv.net" rel="nofollow"http://www.girlztv.net/a they have the movie in high quality!

What's the best way to stay warm when your apt heat is off?

My landlord won't turn our heat on until December 1st, and I live in Toronto so it's like -2 out there. Super chilly. I've got blankets and all but if I turn the oven on and open the door, it sets off my smoke alarm for some reason (which is hardwired to our ceiling, so I can't take it off) and if I run a hot tub to let it heat the place it sets off the g-d alarm too. So anyone have any clever suggestions? Thanks!

When was the last time you lost �20.00.?

OK, the bruddas relieved me of 20 quids that was,nt even mine, congratulations, another Tax paid, but do you think its glorious or brave being a common thief.

Ovechkin And Crosby?

Why are ovechkin and crosby sooooo overrated. i think that actually they are both shite and alfredsson and spezza are way better players than them.

Is a mini cooper worth the money jsut a question 2007 s?

It is definitely worth all of the money. It is like a go cart with a BMW engine. Build qualities are top notch and it has one of the highest resale value out there. Another good thing about it is that all of them are unique and you will never find one that is identical to another. A test by Edmund's also shows that the Scion has build quality that doesn't even compare to Mini. It is actually under priced for what is should cost. In my opinion, its worth every penny.

Help w/ Crash Car Project!!?

wrap egg in sellotape, or other adhesive tape. then make a craddle with tape and string to hold egg. secure the egg/craddle with string to the box surfaces, so that it's held in the exact middle of the box. then fill box with your foam.

Could I have appendicitis?

I have had this tender spot in my lower right abdomen for about 3 days. It hurts only when I push on it, I though it was gas so I got mylanta and exlax and those two things did their job, but the tender spot is still there, it feels alot like gas, but trust me, if it was gas I think it would have been long gone by now since Ive been taking gas relievers! Its not bad pain just very very uncomfortable and my chest also hurts right in my sternum. I have no idea what this is and its getting very annoying. Someone please help me! LOL Thanks in advance!

How do you feel about Miley Cyrus bad talking other artists?

She has no right to be talking bad about any other artist or make fun of any actress/actors seeing as how a pet rock has more talent then her.

Looking for a fireman's axe wedding cake cutter set?

I'm getting married and my fiancee is a firefighter. We are not having a firefighter themed wedding but our color s are black and red. I wanted to surprise him with the axe to cut our cake. I've seen it in photos but whenever I try to find one that isnt cheesy, I cant seem to find it. It says there is one on ebay when I google it but it always says its not valid. Can anyone please help?! Thanks!

Why is it that africa and the middle east is the fastest growing area for religion and has the lowest iq score?

Have you even been to Europe? If you have, you would know for a fact that there is a church on every corner.

Computer companies awareness and responsibility..?

Should the government take action after artificial intelligence systems like manufactured by Skynet became self aware and retaliated? I mean, It's not like robots are coming back from the future to prevent this sort of thing.

What do you think of my letter?

I think you should write letters for people as a living. It was well written and I can tell that you poured your heart out in this one.

How do you convert Audacity files?

to .wma so that they can be played on Windows Media Player? I have bought a USB Turntable with the Audacity software and am having fun with all my old records.

How substantial a salary increase would justify jumping ship to a different company? salary negotiation...?

typically 10-15% is common. if by more responsibility this includes managing others you will need to take that into account. probably justified at the top end of that range.

SMALL MAN SYNDROME and its big problems !!!?

Awesome, and so true. We may never know the cause of this condition, but it is humorous to watch happen.

Trying new things to heat up out love life help?

You need to get some KY lube....you can find it at Walmart or any pharmacy....I will suggest you buy some toys like vibrators also...she will enjoy it and you might too....play with her and let her play while you participate...will do wonders for the both of you....

What are your arguments against child support?

I myself lean toward being anti-child support, but I haven't really thought about it thoroughly enough to conclude. Perhaps I will always see both sides on this issue. Anyway, please don't bombard me with pro-child-support views; I already have a pretty good grasp of how that argument goes.

If you could pick all the champions in wwe and tna who would you pick + BQ?

WWE Champion John Cena, World heveyweight champion john morrison, us champ mark henry, IC champ luke gallows, tag titles DX , Ecw title tommy dreamer, womens title my girlfrend ,divas champ Jillan Hall, Tna champ homside, XD title soma joe,, tna tag titles, jeff jerrat and stcoot stiner , lenges champ babba ray, girl tag titles who cares , girl title awesome kong

How do I get over my fear of wasps?

We got a boat last year, and I love going too the lake and having fun, but I am petrified of wasps. And especially when we stop on the shore, and there is a bunch of them. So the whole time im there Im stressing about wasps and it just makes my anxiety worse. Ive never been stung by one, but its always interfering with my life, and because of my fear i rarely go outside. What can I do to not be afraid? Even the sight of one makes me start breathing heavy and freaking out. Any Advice?

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tropical themed wedding in the fall?

I'm getting married Oct. 30th in New England. I've always dreamed of a tropical wedding theme but am not so sure now because it will be very chilly out and in the fall. Any suggestions??? I was also thinking of a fairytale wedding theme. Any help would be great! Thanks :)

Bzzzz hee hee...funny?

There's an alien sitting in a bar next to a man. the alien reaches over to the man and pokes him and says "bzzz hee hee" the guy wonders why the heck the alien is doing this, and tells him to stop "dude, stop it." a minute later the alien does it again "bzzz hee hee" guy replies "knock it off! i told u to stop!" he gets angry and just sits there. the alien waits a little bit and does it again "bzzz hee hee!" "ok man, do it one more time and i'm going to cut your junk off!" the alien looks around for 5 minutes to make sure no one was looking and does it again "bzzz hee hee!" so the dude takes the alien out back, pulls down his pants and doesn't see anything he asks "dude how the h3ll do you have ?!" the alien smiles and pokes him and says "bzzz hee hee!"

Why would anyone want Bill Clinton to endorse them? ?

All he did as president was chase women and veto oil drilling bills and he tried to destroy our military. He made a joke of our country and he should have been empeached. The only reason our economy was good was because Ronald Reagan did such a great job!! Who gives a darn what he thinks, all he did was ride on Reagans gravy train for 8 years and left a mess for Bush! Great endorsement for obama.

Should I give my dog away?

you can give him to me where do you live and you should give him away beacause it not fair for the puppy

What is the main work of Stenter machine in textile production line?

The main work of stenter machine is to maintain the desired weight, shrinkage & skewing of fabric.

What's a good action movie?

I'm looking for some action movies to watch. If you know any good movies that are clics like Rambo and Die Hard is good. If you know any movies that are similar or as good as Quentin Tarantino movies those are good too. Also, any movies like Fight Club, Watchmen, Smokin' Aces or anything like that. A list for this question is a good choice.

What is the point of head hair?

Is it to keep the head warm? or is it a type of mane from being cavemen or is it like plumage for birds? something to show off?

Don't you think Trish lost weigh???

damm didn't trish lose wiegh? she looked very skinney and different from some reason but she still pretty!!!

Are sugar gliders available as pets in south korea?

I'm moving to south korea in a week. I'd like to get a sugar glider as a pet once i get there. Does anyone know if they're available in south korea? answers are greatly appreciated!

Am I the one that does not get it?

Last night mu sister and I were setting a goal to see who can make it to their desired size before May 1, 2010. We were discussing our bet to see what would motivate us the best. We mentioned a trip to Vegas, hotel and all that the loser would have to pay, just then my live in boyfriend said to my sister "that's not fair because you know you are going to win". I was like what kind of support was that, then I said "that was not nice, this will motivate me because I can't afford that and I would love to have it"....just then my sister trying to make me feel better said "you could do it, you are ready look like your losing some weight"....just then he very rudely said "hey don't lie to her like that, she looks the same".....I was ready to cry with tears at the tip of my eyes but held it back and just let it go. Then my sister told him not to be mad that this was just to motivate us, if we both met our goal, then non of us have to pay.....then big mouth said "I am not mad just don't bet something like that because she can't afford it". I was just so hurt and speechless. My mom and sister left and I was just quiet then went to bed. he tried talking to me last night but I just did not want to, so this morning he asked me why I was hurt, so I told him and his answer to me was "I am not going to allow your sister to lie to you and say you are losing weight when you look the same", then I told him "how can you say it like that, so cold, I know you don't understand when sometimes we need a little white lie to motivate us especially when I have been depressed for so long". I did not expect him to understand but did not expect to hear what he said after. He said "Here I am trying to avoid what happened when you had the baby (she's 2 now) that people where telling you that you were losing weight a month after having her and look at you now with those lies". I told him that I have been so depressed and that post par-tum hit me really bad and you did not help me get over it with all your rude and hurtful comments all this time, about everything. His answer was "Like I mentioned before, is this the way I will have to live all my f___ing life not being able to say anything because it offends you.....what kind of life is that for me". I finished making breakfast and left to my room and posted this question......Please help am I over exaggerating and just making my self feel sad? Please help!!!!!!

When neo-cons say "if we leave Iraq then Bin Laden was right about the U.S. being weak" are they just dumb?

When in the history of the United States has the public enjoyed war? Didn't Washington have to hang people to stop desertion? Didn't Americans complain about fighting in WWI and about helping Britain and France and Poland in WWII prior to Pearl Harbor? Didn't Americans hate the Korean and Vietnam wars? Who are these people who think strength is defined as tolerance for casualties?

Please someone who make sense in Japanese language can Help?

Because of that, you'd think like "that'd be good." We have always searched for eternity by returning (note: don't know to what,) haven't we? For example, if you listen to "『Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebotes[" 100 years or even 200 years from now, you'd hear Mozart's music vividly. That's one of eternity, isn't it?

Random Question, seen on facebook and I cannnot figure it out!?

I looked online and they said it was that the "I" wasn't written like the paper way. I'm not sure if this was right. There probably is nothing wrong with the pattern.

I need a name!!!?

hey i need a name for a puppy that looks like a golden lab. His Partner is a beagle named Fisherman so it kinda needs to fit!!!

I think I have the face for modelling?

um probably not. how old are you? if you just have a good face, its not gonna work. oh, and be modest, you're probably not just perfect and beautiful.

Do I need a line lock to do a burnout?

if your car has enough power then just hitting the gas hard enough should burn out, but for competition burn outs or whatever, a line lock helps a lot

What are some of your favorite Christmas songs?

The song has to be covered by a rock band though or they could of wrote it themselves. Like the great big sled by the killers or any other songs you know. thanks

I want to be a running back in high school freshman football ?

Depends on the needs of the team & how talented you are. If the coach sees it in you then he will see that you get the proper training.

Discrete and Continuous question?

Would the nutrition levels and dietary habits (e.g. high fat diets, high cholesterol levels, protein or low carb diets, vegetarian, vegan, normal eater, etc.) of people in a survey be considered either Discrete or Continuous data?

Is there anyone who agrees?

I don't believe that there is a god in the sense of an all powerful being all knowing, but I do think that there is an intelligent force behind everything. I also believe that this being gave us the power over our lifes and sits and watches without interfering.

What do you think of my team for the Elite Four?

I think your team is AWSOME its very close to the teams I usually get lol and I can beet the league fairly easy so i say go for it :P

One of my best friends told me tonight that she was recently diagnosed with cervical cancer. What can I do?

Whatever you do please do not treat her as if she is terminal. Be availabale for her, offer babysitting, rides,help with cooking, anything that you can offer. Get her some relaxation tapes, drawing papers, a musical instrument...anything to take her mind away from cancer but please do not be sad as if she is dying.

What exactly happens at a courthouse wedding?

For those who have had one only please.I am wondering if we get the whole courtroom to ourselves or strangers will be in there waiting for their hearing and what not and if they let you read vows ect.Any experience? :)

What do Obama and Pelosi hope to accomplish?

When they collapse our republic through mive deficit spending and the economy through mive punitive taxation on productivity, what do they think will come next?

Friend Help...please share your thoughts?

just tell him how you feel and how it's hurting you, if he's as good as a friend you say he is, i'm sure he'll understand

Now that the celtics have garnett and ray allen. which team will win, miami heat or boston?

Celtics...........man i wish lakers would of got garnett........t-wolves would of got a better deal with odom and bynum coming..............i hate lakers for not getting KG

Does naphtalene soluble in ethanol and acetone? Why?

acetone is an organic solvent and i think it can dissolve naphtalene. its immicsible in water. ethanol on the other hand hand is miscible in water but i dont know if it can dissolve napthalene

Can any system of justice properly function devoid of morality?

Our courts consider only the legalities of their judgements. Morality has no place in them. If it is true that morality cannot be legislated and the courts opinions are the simple interpretation of existing law, how then do we preserve morality? Are we, as a nation, better off amoral? Can we have "rights" divorced from "responsibilities" ? I think they are opposite sides of the same coin. What do you think?

If I give you best answer will you promise to name your next born after me?

haha. i don't break promises, so i'd be breaking one if i promised you i'd name my child that. so 10 points for honesty :D?

Could i have some essay help?

I have to do an essay on why Globalization is a positive thing. Ive narrowed my 3 paragraphs to be include free trade, the increase of life expectancy (medical science) and inexpensive foreign labour markets. Could i have some definition and explaination help with these and or essay tips??

What is a Christian response to immigration?

A christian response is to kill them, or kick them out. A Christians response is to love them and treat them as the human beings they are. Remember, Christians were once aliens too.

How long are we in for harder times, bad stock market, etc? Realistically speaking?

Luke- I am sitting here wondering the same thing. I've been reading about all the stock market mess and my stomach is in knots. It is depressing. I'm 27 with 3 kids and I just want to make a good life for them. I really hope things get better because right now the future looks bleak. Let's think positive.

Not-for-Profit org.'s... do you know??????

Can a not-for-profit exist without a 501c3? and if so, woudl they still get a form of tax exemption?